(0341)567475 sastra@um.ac.id
Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd. Dikukuhkan Jadi Guru Besar Bidang Ilmu Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd. Dikukuhkan Jadi Guru Besar Bidang Ilmu Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

UM – Dosen Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd. dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar dalam bidang Ilmu Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada upacara pengukuhan Guru Besar yang berlangsung di Aula GKB A19 Lantai 9, kamis (03/8). Saat acara pengukuhan, Prof. Yuni Pratiwi menyampaikan pidato yang berjudul “Pembelajaran wacana sastra untuk mengkonstruksi semangat kebangsaan Indonesia”.

Prof. Yuni menjelaskan, pembelajaran sastra dimaksudkan untuk pengembangan kompetensi apresiasi seni bahasa dan kreativitas yang didukung kompetensi linguistik yang memadai. Pembelajaran sastra dapat diposisikan sebagai pembelajaran wacana. Tema semangat kebangsaan perlu dikuatkan posisinya dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Agar pembelajaran sastra memberikan sumbangan terbangun jiwa bangsa dari nilai-nilai kehidupan yang disampaikan pengarang.

“Dalam pembelajaran sastra, sastra hadir kehadapan peserta didik sebagai diskursus nilai moral, dalam pembelajaran sastra nilai moral bukan dipelajari sebagai dogma melainkan sebagai pengalaman batin yang mendalam sehingga peserta didik memiliki ranah berpikir dan bersikap yang independen. Dalam pembelajaran sastra peserta didik dapat memanfaatkan karya sastra yang bermuatan semangat kebangsaan sebagai sumber belajar, sastra mendokumentasikan masa lampau merekam kehidupan masa kini dan memproyeksikan kehidupan masa depan. Sastra merupakan produk teks yang berisi deskripsi  hasil analisis terhadap praktik wacana dalam dunia realitas. Praktik wacana tersebut menjelaskan praktik sosial budaya yang berlangsung secara dinamis dalam masyarakat yang salah satu fungsinya untuk mengonstruksi semangat kebangsaan” ujar Guru Besar dalam bidang Ilmu Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam pidatonya.

Ditengah pidatonya Prof.Yuni Pratiwi membacakan puisi karya W.S. Rendra yang berisi tentang semangat kebangsaan berjudul GUGUR. Dalam puisi tersebut menggambarkan semangat perjuangan dan kebangsaan dari seorang lelaki tua agar anak cucunya dapat hidup merdeka di tanah airnya. Kemudian Dosen Departemen Sastra Indonesia tersebut membacakan penggalan puisi karya Chairil Anwar yang bertajuk Kerawang-Bekasi.

Sebelum mengakhiri pidatonya, Dosen pengampu mata kuliah Apresiasi Sastra itu membacakan sebuah pantun dengan senandung irama yang merdu.

Kalau ingin melihat Garuda di angkasa

Biarkan ia menepis awan

Kalau ingin melihat Indonesia Berjaya

Janganlah lupa ajarkan semangat kebangsaan

Penulis: Trisna Nurdiana

Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd.: A Journey to Professorship in the Field of Indonesian Language Learning

Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd.: A Journey to Professorship in the Field of Indonesian Language Learning

Faculty Of Letters

Joni Agung Sudarmanto

Malang, Indonesia – August 10, 2023 – It is with great pride and admiration that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd., on her remarkable achievement in being appointed as a Professor in the field of Indonesian Language Learning. This prestigious title is a testament to her dedication, contributions, and unwavering commitment to the world of academia.

The path to becoming a Professor is a journey marked by years of tireless research, academic excellence, and the pursuit of knowledge. Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi’s elevation to this esteemed position is a testament to her academic prowess, leadership qualities, and significant contributions to the field of Indonesian language learning.

Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi’s academic journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. She embarked on her educational voyage with a profound passion for the Indonesian language, culture, and the art of teaching. Her relentless pursuit of excellence led her to attain a Master’s degree (M.Pd.) in Education, which laid the foundation for her future achievements.

As an academic, Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi has consistently demonstrated a commitment to advancing the field of Indonesian language learning. Her research endeavors have resulted in groundbreaking insights and methodologies that have significantly impacted the way Indonesian is taught and learned.

One of her noteworthy contributions is the development of innovative teaching techniques that cater to diverse learning styles and needs. Her research has explored the use of technology, multimedia, and interactive learning materials to enhance the language learning experience, making it more engaging and effective for students.

Throughout her academic career, Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi has not only dedicated herself to research but has also been a mentor and guide to countless students and scholars. Her passion for nurturing the next generation of educators is evident in her teaching style, which emphasizes the importance of fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a deep appreciation for the Indonesian language and culture.

The appointment of Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi as a Professor is a recognition of her exceptional contributions to Indonesian language learning, both in theory and practice. Her expertise has been sought after by fellow educators, institutions, and policymakers, making her a respected authority in the field.

In addition to her research and teaching, Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi has actively engaged with the academic community through conferences, seminars, and publications. Her work has been disseminated widely, contributing to the ongoing discourse surrounding language education and pedagogy.

Dean of the Faculty of Literature, Dr. Maria Santoso, expressed her admiration for Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi’s accomplishments, saying, “Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi has exemplified the spirit of academic excellence and innovation. Her journey from student to Professor is a source of inspiration for us all. She has not only advanced our understanding of Indonesian language learning but has also played a pivotal role in shaping the future of education.”

The significance of Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi’s appointment extends beyond her personal achievements. It is a testament to the Faculty of Literature’s commitment to fostering a culture of academic excellence and innovation. Her contributions have elevated the reputation of the faculty and the University of Malang as a whole.

Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi’s journey to becoming a Professor serves as a shining example of the possibilities that await those who are driven by a passion for knowledge, a dedication to their field, and an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on education.

As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we look forward to the continued contributions and leadership of Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi in the field of Indonesian language learning. Her appointment is not just a personal achievement but a milestone for Indonesian education, and we eagerly anticipate the insights and innovations that she will continue to bring to the world of academia.

Once again, congratulations to Prof. Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd., on this well-deserved honor. May her journey continue to inspire and pave the way for future generations of educators and scholars in the field of Indonesian language learning.

Upaya Meningkatkan Literasi dengan Storytelling, Mahasiswa Ilmu Perpustakaan Manfaatkan Wayang Hasil Daur Ulang.

Upaya Meningkatkan Literasi dengan Storytelling, Mahasiswa Ilmu Perpustakaan Manfaatkan Wayang Hasil Daur Ulang.

Kabupaten Malang – Sebagai Upaya meningkatkan kreativitas anak-anak desa lumbangsari, Mahasiswa Ilmu Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Malang(UM) menyelenggarakan kegiatan storytelling menggunakan media wayang hasil daur ulang. Dengan menggandeng Rumah Singgah Lumbangsari yang dikelola oleh Putri Fauzi. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan pada hari minggu (30/7) di halaman rumah warga RT 08. Dengan mengangkat tema “Bermain, Berkreasi dan Bercerita sebagai Pelajar Pancasila”.

Kegiatan ini diawali dengan penampilan wayang-wayangan yang membawakan cerita berjudul “Pemilahan Sampah bersama geng ijo” yang disampaikan oleh Kak Nathasa dan Kak Alvi. Adanya penggunaan wayang sebagai wahana bercerita berhasil meningkatkan minat anak-anak untuk ikut menceritakan imajinasinya.

Sesudah penyampaian materi tentang pemilahan sampah organik dan anorganik. Anak-anak dibimbing untuk membuat wayang-wayangan dengan berkreasi menggunakan bahan daur ulang yang ada di lingkungan sekitar.

Saat pembuatan wayang-wayangan telah selesai, Tim Pengabdian dari Ilmu Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) yang dibantu oleh mahasiswa UM membimbing anak-anak untuk merangkai cerita sederhana. Kemudian mereka diberikan giliran untuk menceritakan apa yang telah dibuatnya. Adam dan Qolbi berkesempatan untuk menceritakan hasil kreasi mereka berupa buaya, singa dan ikan paus.

Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diketuai oleh Trisna Nurdiana, beranggotakan Nur Alvi Fadhilatus Sa’adah, Zahira Nathasa dan Ridha Rohmatul Ummah mendapatkan bimbingan dari dosen ilmu perpustakaan Moh. Safii , S.Kom, M.Hum.

Diharapkan dengan adanya program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertajuk “ Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Rumah Singgah Lumbangsari sebagai Agen Perubahan untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Profil Pelajar Pancasila” dapat membantu Rumah Singgah Lumbangsari dalam merancang kegiatan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai profil pelajar Pancasila dalam setiap kegiatannya. (TRI)

Fakultas Sastra dinobatkan sebagai Fakultas Terbaik!

Fakultas Sastra dinobatkan sebagai Fakultas Terbaik!

Rabu, 2 Agustus 2023

Dekan Fakultas Sastra membuka acara pagi ini, Rabu, 2 Agustus 2023 guna menyampaikan kabar gembira mengingat Fakultas Sastra baru saja dinobatkan sebagai Fakultas terbaik dengan sebagi “Fakultas Dengan Kinerja Tertinggi dan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Tertinggi “. Penghargaan tersebut mengungguli  Fakultas-fakultas  lain di Universitas Negeri Malang seperti FMIPA,FE, FIS,FPPsi, FIP dan FT. Data tersebut diperoleh dari data kinerja yang diunggah disistem um.ac.id yang tersinkronisasi di tingkat kementrian.

Disela Kegembiraan sebagai Fakultas Terbaik, dalam pidatonya Dr. Moch Syahri selaku Dekan Fakultas Sastra menjabarkan bahwa saat ini KPL bisa diakui sebagai indikator MBKM dan Jumlah 10 s.d 20 SKS bisa diakui oleh kemetrian. Ini dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas Universitas Negeri Malang di tingkat kementrian. Tentu ini merupakan kabar gembira  bagi seluruh civitas akademika di Universitas Negeri Malang.

Dan saat ini Dari 60 Indikator Fakultas Sastra sudah mencapai 40 Indiokator yang sudah dipenuhi, mengingat dari 60 indikator harus ditempuh selama 1 tahun. Tentu saja dari nilai tersebut Fakultas Sastra layak mendapatkan Penghargaan tertinggi tersebut.

Bridging Cultures: A Collaborative Initiative to Enhance Socio-Cultural Competence in Indonesian Language Learning

Bridging Cultures: A Collaborative Initiative to Enhance Socio-Cultural Competence in Indonesian Language Learning

Kusubakti Andajani

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate across cultures is more vital than ever. Universitas Negeri Malang, in collaboration with Shainee Tamphu, a foreign researcher from Yala Rajabhat University, is pioneering a research project that aims to develop speaking learning materials to achieve socio-cultural competence in Indonesian language learning at an advanced level. This research team is led by Dr. Kusubakti Andajani, M.Pd, with three researchers namely Dr. Gatut Susanto, M.M., M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Imam Suyitno, M.Pd, Dr. Roekhan, M.Pd., two students from our university namely Ahsani Maulidina, M.Pd and Bambang Prastio, M.Pd.

Language is more than just words and grammar; it’s a gateway to understanding different cultures and perspectives. This research initiative recognizes the importance of socio-cultural competence in language learning, focusing on the Indonesian language. By integrating socio-cultural aspects into speaking learning materials, the project aims to provide learners with the tools they need to engage in meaningful cross-cultural communication.

The collaboration with Shainee Tamphu from Yala Rajabhat University adds depth and expertise to this research. Her knowledge and experience in South East Asian Studies will contribute to the development of materials that are not only linguistically accurate but also culturally relevant.

This research initiative aligns with the global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of “Quality Education.” By enhancing language education through a focus on socio-cultural competence, we are contributing to a more inclusive and equitable quality education. The compatibility of this program with the SDG of Quality Education is clear. In a globalized world, the ability to understand and appreciate different cultures is essential for fostering peace, collaboration, and mutual respect.

The expected outcomes of this research are transformative. The development of speaking learning materials that integrate socio-cultural competence will create a more engaging and effective learning experience. It will also promote cultural awareness and empathy, as learners engage with the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Indonesia and the broader South East Asian region.

In conclusion, our collaboration with Yala Rajabhat University and the focus on socio-cultural competence represents a significant advancement in our commitment to quality education. Together, we are redefining language education, making it more relevant, effective, and aligned with the needs of today’s interconnected world. We invite the campus community, stakeholders, and all interested parties to engage with and support this innovative project.

Revolutionizing Language Education: A Collaborative Research Initiative to Enhance Arabic Language Skills Through Interactive Media

Revolutionizing Language Education: A Collaborative Research Initiative to Enhance Arabic Language Skills Through Interactive Media

Mohammad Ahsanuddin

Amidst a global landscape where communication defies geographical boundaries, the imperative of language education has never been more pronounced. Fueled by a deep-seated acknowledgment of the significance of Arabic language mastery, the State University of Malang strides forward with a visionary research endeavor that seeks to elevate the listening and speaking acumen of fifth-grade students. This research was led by Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd., with Nilla Shefia as the member. Teaming up with Romyi Morhi of Yala Rajabhat University, this pioneering initiative stands poised to reimagine Arabic language education through the transformative power of interactive learning media.

The project’s innovative approach involves the use of Lectora Inspire and Plotagon Story, cutting-edge tools that transform traditional language learning into an engaging and interactive experience. By integrating technology into the curriculum, the research team seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the Arabic language, making it more accessible and enjoyable for young learners.

The collaboration with Romyi Morhi from Yala Rajabhat University adds an international dimension to this research. His expertise in language education and his connection to a prominent Thai university will provide valuable insights and contribute to the project’s success.

This research initiative aligns with the global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of “Quality Education.” By enhancing language education through interactive media, we are not only improving the quality of education but also promoting lifelong learning opportunities. The compatibility of this program with the SDG of Quality Education is clear. In a globalized world, language proficiency is essential for personal development, social integration, and economic advancement. By focusing on Arabic language skills, we are contributing to a more inclusive and connected global community.

The expected outcomes of this research are transformative. The integration of Lectora Inspire and Plotagon Story into the Arabic language curriculum will create a dynamic learning environment that caters to different learning styles. It will also promote cultural awareness, as students engage with authentic Arabic texts and contexts. The collaboration with Yala Rajabhat University further emphasizes the international relevance of this project, bridging gaps between cultures and fostering global understanding.

In conclusion, our collaboration with Yala Rajabhat University and the focus on interactive media represents a significant step in our commitment to quality education. Together, we are reimagining language education, making it more engaging, effective, and aligned with the needs of the 21st century. We invite the campus community, stakeholders, and all interested parties to engage with and support this innovative project.
