(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

Discussions about language education are endless because there are always technological innovations in their implementation. The duo of English Literature students as UM delegates, Afifah Ainiyah and Novy Auliya Istighfary, participated in the implementation of The Fourth English Language Teaching and Technology (ELT-Tech 4) Conference organized by the UPI English Education Study Program in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Scholars of English Education (AISEE) and the Indonesian English Teacher Association (IETA) took place in the Auditorium B FPBS UPI building on November 15-16 2019. The theme was "Technology Cultivation and Learner Engagement in English Language Teaching", followed by universities throughout Indonesia who were quite enthusiastic in participating in these activities.

The opening of the ELT-TECH event was held at the Auditorium B FPBS UPI. On that day there was one keynote speaker and two plenary speakers who fill the material as additional good insight for presenters nor participants. The first speaker was Prof. Brent Jones, Ph.D. which discusses methods in maximizing student involvement in the process of teaching and learning activities. Pupung Purnawarman, MSEd., Ph.D. as plenary speaker the first discusses technology integration. In addition, there are Prof. Roger Palmer who discusses the use of technology in learning.

At the conference, Afifah Ainiyah and Novy Auliya Istighfary, a class of 2017 English literature students presenters presented the results of his study with the title CALL and MALL Use in Listening Class Activities to Enhance The Students 'Listening Skills: Learners' Perspective. The study involved UM English students and students who had taken courses Advance Listening. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the use of CALL and MALL can improve student achievement.

The second day continued with parallel presentation sessions from the participants presenters and continued with workshops from each speaker. The workshop activities are made as the atmosphere of learning activities in class and also apply the material that has been delivered at the opening.


Afifah Ainiyah + Novy Auliya Istighfary (English Literature 2017)
