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Edition 44, Number 1, February 2016

Cover and Table of Contents

Instructions for Authors

  1. Analysis of Sufistic Language in the Book of Sirr Al Asrar by As Syeikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani  By Dudung Rahmat Hidayat
  2. Contemporary Vietnamese Fiction Written About The War-From The Gender Perspective  By Thai Phan Vang Anh
  3. فائزة الرحمة, إمام أسراري, نور هدايتي التخطيط والتنفيذ في عملية تعليمية ميدانية لقسم الأدب العربي كلية الآداب بجامعة مالانج الحكومية
  4. Critical Reading and Writing Across The Curriculum Assisted by Metacognitive Strategy (BTS) Toward Student Study Club at Undiksha  By I Nyoman Yasa, Imam Suyitno, and Yuni Pratiwi
  5. Empowering The Arabic Javanese Translation as an Indigenous Language Protection in Asia Toward The Books of Islamic Moral Ethic  By Muhammad Yunus Anis, Arifuddin, Eva Farhah, and Abdul Malik
  6. Lingual Unit for Disclosing Local Wisdom in Environmental Conservation  By Hari Bakti Mardikantoro
  7. Transcription Structure of the Presentation of the Rabine Panji Play in the Puppet Mask Group of Malang Kedungmonggo Tradition  By Endang Wara SupRYin Dyah Pratamawati, Tri Wahyuningtyas, and Hartono
  8.  ليلي مزية  الظواهر التعريبية في ترجمة المفردات الأعجمية: عدة أنماط في تحويلها
  9. The Effect of the Application of Concept Map Model and Reasoning on Students' Essay Writing Ability  By Herman Budiyono and Puji Tri Aryanti
  10. Accuracy of Using Prepositions in Class III, IV, V, and VI Student Essays  By Sumadi and Novi Eka Susilowati


Edition Year 44, Number 2, August 2016

Cover and Table of Contents

Instructions for Authors

  1. Autistic Student Speech Responses to Teacher Directive Speech in Learning Interaction in Classroom By Siti Robiah, Abdul Syukur Ibrahim, and Ahmad Rofi'uddin
  2. Development of Learning Assessment Tool Listening to the Exposition of Class X Senior High School By Ary Fawzi
  3. Character-Based Arabic Curriculum Development in Madrasas By Sahkholid Nasution
  4. Analysis of the Need for Arabic Teaching Materials for Prospective Middle Eastern Indonesian Workers (TKI) By Nuruddin
  5. The Translation of Madurese Cultural Expressions Into English By Masduki
  6. Fiksimini's Discourse in Indonesian: Structural Analysis, Cohesiveness, Language Games, and Functions By Cicik Tri Jayanti
  7. Laughter After Tears: Sitting for American Humors in Indonesian Sofas (Subtitling Humors of a Tv Serial Friends) By Gusti Nyoman Ayu Sukerti and Yazid Basthomi
  8. Development of Teaching Materials for Drama Appreciation Subjects through Excavating the Values of Character Education for the Drama Script "Panembahan Reso" by WS Rendra By Edy Suryanto
  9. E-Learning-based Literacy Learning Toolkit By Nurchasanah and Sunaryo HS