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Mahasiswa Sastra Arab Juarai Lomba Esai “Menjadikan Bahasa Arab sebagai Semangat Di Masa Pandemi”

Arabic Literature Students Wins Essay Competition "Making Arabic as Spirit During Pandemic Era"

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to sluggish activities in human life. This pandemic has caused everyone to work from home, study from home and various other activities that require it to be done from inside the home. Even so, the echoes of the online competitions continue to scatter. And this time, UM Arabic Literature students managed to win one of the echoes of the competition.

The student is named Abdul Wahhab. This time, he won 1st place in the Inya '(writing Arabic essay) Competition of the PSBA (Arabic Language Arts Week) organized by ITTAQO IAIN Salatiga with the theme "Making Arabic as a Spirit in a Pandemic Era". This competition is online. The title of the essay that he was carrying was "موقفنا في مقابلة فيروس كورونا" which means "Our Attitude in Facing Corona Virus". A series of PSBA (Arabic Language Arts Week) ITTAQO IAIN Salatiga events this time took place from 26 September to 11 October with 5 competitions, namely ghina '(Arabic singing) competition, khitobah (Arabic speech) competition, syi'ir aroby (poetry) competition. Arabic), taqdimul qisoh competition (telling stories in Arabic), and insya 'competition (writing essays in Arabic). On 11 October, it was finally announced that Abdul Wahhab from UM had won the 1st place in the Insya 'Competition.

It is hoped that after the presence of UM Arabic Literature students who win this, it can certainly increase the motivation to work for other students even though they are currently in a state of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This spirit can certainly serve as a valuable experience for students in preparing for various global challenges.

Keikutsertaan Mahasiswa Sastra Arab dalam ICIED Nov 2019

Arabic Literature Student Participation in ICIED Nov 2019

International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIED) the fourth was held again. The forum initiated by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (FITK UIN Malang) it carries the theme of a challenge Islamic education in the digital age. The international conference was held for two days, namely on Wednesday and Thursday November 6-7 2019 at the Halfway House, Postgraduate UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Development of the UIN Malang Institute, Dr. H. Uril Bahruddin, Dean of FITK UIN Malang, Dr. Agus Maimun and keynote speaker other. They are Dr. Hj. Sulalah, M.Ag (UIN Malang), Dr. H. Wahidmurni, M.Pd (UIN Malang), Prof. Masdar Hilmy, Ph.D (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya), Andrea Rene Mason, MA (University of Idaho, United States), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nazri Latiff Azmi (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia), and Mohammad Sahar Mat Din, MBA (Malaysian Islamic Trade Council).

A total of 250 selected presenters presented their works which were divided into six panels. They each offered their ideas about Islamic education in the digital era, so that millennials can survive and are firmly betting on the goodness of Islamic education in Indonesia. Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, participated as one of the speakers and presented his paper at this conference. The results of this conference are packaged in the form of online proceedings (e-proceedings) which are published at the addresshttp://conferences.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/icied/index.

Partisipasi Mahasiswa Sastra Arab di PINBA XII & Muktamar Nasional IMLA VI UNPAD

Participation of Arabic Literature Students in PINBA XII & IMLA VI National Congress of UNPAD

Meanwhile, the XII International Arabic Language Scientific Week (PINBA) & the IMLA VI National Congress were held on October 16-18 2019 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This forum is an effort to refresh the blood flowing in Arabic so that it is able to live and grow in modern civilization. Activities that take the theme: The Role of Civilization for Arabic, will present the latest issues regarding the role of civilization in the effort to strengthen Arabic in the midst of globalization and the 4.0 industrial revolution in an academic forum.

Activities of Arabic Language International Scientific Week (PINBA) XII & IMLA VI National Congress at Padjadjaran University were held for three days, namely 16-17 October 2019 Arabic Language International Scientific Week (PINBA) XII and 18 October 2019 IMLA VI National Congress. On the 16th, the Conference was started with two Plenary Seminars. Plenary Seminar I was filled by Invited Speaker, namely Essam Abed Al-Thaqafi (Ambassador of Saudi Arabia), Dr. AR. Muhammad Fachir (WAMENLU RI), and Oded M. Danial (Mayor of Bandung). Plenary Seminar II was filled by Invited Speaker, namely Prof. Dr. Hashim el-Manna (Al-Isra University, Jordan), Dr. Ali Ma'youf Al-Ma'youf (King Saud University, Riyadh), and Prof. Dr. Hasan Abdul Hamid Bukhari (Ummul Quro University, Makkah). On the 17th, the conference was continued with a panel seminar attended by 150 selected speakers from lecturers, students and Arabic language practitioners from various universities. Apart from Indonesia, there were several speakers from Arab countries such as Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and others. Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, participated as one of the speakers and presented his paper at this conference. The results of this conference are packaged in the form of three-volume printed proceedings and online proceedings (e-proceedings) published at the address http://prosiding.imla.or.id/index.php/pinba/article/view/170.

(Abdul Wahhab, Arabic Literature Department student)


Abdul Wahhab, Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Arab Mengikuti ICALL 3 di UPI Bandung

Abdul Wahhab, Arabic Literature Department Student Participates in ICALL 3 at UPI Bandung

The 3rd The International Conference On Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL 3) was held on October 14-15 2019 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This conference aims to increase the creativity and innovation of Arabic Language Learning and Islamic Studies as well as to facilitate scientific forums for Arabic language studies, Islamic studies and its teaching. In response to this, the Department of Arabic, Faculty of Languages and Letters, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia intends to conduct this conference.

Activity The 3rd The International Conference On Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL 3) University of Education was held on October 15, 2019. This conference was preceded by the delivery of material from keynote speaker, namely Dr. Ahmad Muhammad At-Tukhi. Then proceed with the delivery of material from the two speaker UPI professor, namely Prof. Didi Sukiyadi, S.Pd, MA and Prof. Syihabudin, M.Pd. After that, the conference was continued with parallel sessions attended by 27 selected speakers from lecturers, students and Arabic language practitioners from various universities. Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, participated as one of the speakers and presented his paper at this conference. The results of this conference are packaged in printed proceedings.

Konferensi ini tidak akan berlangsung tanpa dukungan dari sponsor terpercaya kami – ice-casino.dk. Platform tepercaya ini telah membangun reputasi yang luar biasa di dunia game online. Mereka memprioritaskan keamanan dan menawarkan banyak pilihan permainan langsung, memastikan bahwa setiap pemain dapat menikmati waktu luang.

(Abdul Wahhab, Arabic Literature Department student)

Mahasiswa Sastra Arab Meraih Juara II pada Festival Basmala 2019 dengan Tema “Bring Back Islamic Culture” di Universitas Bakrie

Arabic Literature Students Won Second Place at the 2019 Basmala Festival with the theme "Bring Back Islamic Culture" at Bakrie University

Basmala Bakrie University is a student activity unit (UKMa) of Bakrie University which is based on Islam and is based on the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Basmala Universitas Bakrie, which was later abbreviated as Basmala UB, is a brotherhood that always tries to create and maintain the spirit of Islamic brotherhood in every activity and aims to realize the syiar of Islam by preaching both internally and externally to the Muslim community of Bakrie University.

The Basmala Festival 2019 is a Tahfidz and Essay competition activity. In this event, there are also a series of activities in the form of the Grand Study, the Basmala Islamic Fair (BIF) and the Basmala Quran Sharing Festival which will be held in the month of Ramadan. The 2019 Basmala Festival has a theme "Bring Back Islamic Culture". Departing from this theme, it is hoped that it can create and organize creative activities but still in accordance with the Islamic cultural law itself.


Activity Theme: "Bring Back Islamic Culture"
Activity Objectives: National level High School Students and Students.
Time and Place of Activity: Day: Saturday - Sunday, Date: April 20-21 2019, Place: Bakrie University, Jakarta

The series of activities for the 2019 Basmala Festival on April 20, 2019 began with the opening of the Tahfidz competition which consisted of the first category with 3 juz of Al-Qur'an memorization and the second category with 5 juz of Al-Qur'an memorization. On the second day, namely Sunday, April 21, 2019, an Essay competition was held which consisted of two categories, namely the High School and University Student categories throughout Indonesia, participants who had passed the initial selection stage made presentations on the works they had previously made.

In the 2019 Basmala Festival essay competition, State University of Malang, represented by Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, won second place.


(Abdul Wahhab)
