(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

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  1. Syarifuddin Achmad, Strategy of Politeness in the Language of the Pinrang Bugis Community, South Sulawesi Province
  2. La Niampe, Malay Language in Buton Kingdom (Study Based on Ancient Manuscripts Collected by Abdul Mulku Zahari in Buton)
  3. Moh. Ainin and Imam Asrori, Interaction Patterns in the Koran that are Reflected in the Question-Shaped Verses
  4. Kukuh Prayitno Subagyo, The Underclass in The Works Of Charles Dickens and Its Marxist Themes
  5. Wiyatmi, Deconstruction of the Patriarchal System and the Search for the Identity of Indonesian Women's Novelists in the 2000s
  6. Ninik Harini, The Symbolic Meaning of Srimpi Lima at the Ruwatan Ceremony at Ngadireso Village Poncokusumo Malang
  7. IGA Lokita Purnamika Utami, Learning English Through Poetry For Efl Students
  8. Syamsul Ghufron, Tool of Cohesion in Student Writing Discourse: Its Development and Mistakes
  9. Sumadi, Indonesian Language Teachers' Insights and Perceptions of the Anti-KKN Material Integration Program in Indonesian Language Learning
  10. Evi Eviyanti, Improving the Ability to Speak French Using Jeux
  11. Fadlil Munawwar Manshur, Marxist Literary Theory and Its Application to Research on Modern Arabic Literature

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  1. Nurul Murtadho, Asmaul Husna: Linguistic Forms, Theological Meanings, Pedagogical Implications, and Their Equivalents In Indonesian Translation
  2. Heri Suwignyo, Self-Subject Communicative Action Speech in Narrative Discourse
  3. Evi Eliyanah, Fantasy, Desire and Identity Framing The Identity Construction of Luh Sekar
  4. Basrah Gising, Symbolism in the Oral Tradition of Pair Ri Kajang: A Semiotic Overview
  5. Lilik Indrawati, Reading Agus Suwage's Painting: `` The Super Omnivore
  6. Ardi Marwan, Researching Indonesian Students' Attitude Towards Foreign Language
  7. Sri Hapsari Wijayanti, The Effectiveness of Collaborative Methods in Learning Writing
  8. Eti Stiawati, Competence of Preschool Age Children Directives
  9. Sri Prameswari Indriwardhani, Communication Strategy for German Language Students, Faculty of Letters, UM in the Conversation Subject
  10. Sujinah, Curriculum Development Model for Smart Students with Special Indonesian Language Subjects

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