(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

Online Dissertation Exam Procedure | S3 English Language Education

S3 ENGLISH EDUCATION | Department of English Literature

General requirements
  1. The dissertation oral exam is carried out after students:
    • Pass all MK and other activities that are required for the Doctoral Program
    • Pass the Qualification Exam
    • Pass the Dissertation Eligibility Exam
    • Obtaining written approval from the main supervisors and supervisors stating that the Dissertation has met the established requirements and is worthy to be tested
    • Submit the Dissertation manuscript to the examiners and Postgraduate Academic Affairs
  1. The board of examiners consists of 6 (six) to 7 (seven) members, consisting of:
    • Instructors
    • At least two UM lecturer examiners who have relevant expertise with the dissertation topic
    • One examiner who comes from outside UM who has expertise relevant to the topic of the dissertation if the promoter or copromotor is not a lecturer from outside UM
  1. The Dissertation Manuscript is submitted to the Examiners no later than 7 (seven) days before the exam date.
  2. The results of the dissertation assessment are determined by the Board of Examiners with the qualifications (a) passed without revision, (b) passed with revision, or (c) did not pass.
  3. Students are declared to have passed the Dissertation exam if the assessment conclusion value is as low as B.
  4. The results of the dissertation exam are submitted by the Chairperson of the Board of Examiners to students in the Board of Examiners meeting immediately after graduation and the exam conclusion scores are determined.
  5. Students who have passed the oral dissertation examination can carry out doctoral promotions in an open trial.
  6. The technical provisions for implementing the dissertation assessment and doctoral promotion are further regulated by the Director of the Postgraduate Program.
  7. Students of a doctoral program in college are required to have at least one scientific article that has been accepted in an international journal with a minimum reputation equivalent to Q4 (indexed by Scopus) and not included in the category of dubious journals according to the provisions of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
    This obligation is a requirement to take a dissertation eligibility exam for doctoral student program pathways.
  8. Research pathway doctoral students are required to have at least three scientific publications in reputable international journals.
    This obligation is a requirement to take a dissertation eligibility exam for students of the research pathway doctoral program.
  9. Scientific papers for theses, theses and dissertations are required to attach a similarity test certificate (similarity check). Similarity tolerance (similarity) a maximum of 30% for undergraduate programs and 20% for postgraduate programs.
Application Use Instructions
The following are instructions for using the Cisco Webex Meetings and Google Meet applications that can be used for synchronous online execution of Final Project / Thesis exams.         

If you have questions or are having trouble, please contact us via the following contacts: Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, MA
Mobile: 0812 3168 2788



Students are required to document the implementation of the exam in the form of screenshots (screenshots) the implementation of the exam in the virtual exam room


  • Students who have passed the Final Project, Thesis, Thesis or Dissertation examinations must complete their revisions within a maximum period of 3 (three) months from the date of the examination.
  • Students who do not complete the revision of the Final Project, Thesis, Thesis or Dissertation until the maximum deadline determined, their graduation is declared invalid and students are required to repeat the exam.
  • Students are required to write and submit scientific articles based on the final project, thesis, thesis or dissertation that has been tested in the study program / department.
  • After the score is out, students must immediately take care of the judicium process to the Faculty.
  • If the graduation fails in the current semester, students are required to register academically and administer the yusidium in the following semester.