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The UPT of Tidar University Library in September 2019 to be exact held a National Seminar & Call for Paper with the theme "Increasing Literacy Culture in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0". This seminar was attended by approximately 85 participants and experts from the Call for Paper. The speaker of this seminar was amazing, because Dr. Muhammad Rohmadi. M. Hum, a Head of the Sebelas Maret University Library and Ida Fajar Priyatno, PhD, a Lecturer in Information Management and Libraries at the Postgraduate School of Gadjah Mada University. The Call for Papers that were collected at this event had the theme "Improving Literacy Culture in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0".

The Library Science Student Delegation who was also present and participated in the Call for Paper and National Seminar was Iffa Maisyaroh and Zahrotul Hurriyyah. The two students submitted a paper entitled "Development of a Literacy Culture by the Young Generation through a Digital Platform". The essence of this paper is to invite the younger generation to mutually develop a culture of literacy and creativity in packaging information to be attractive, concise and easy to understand. Because most of the younger generation likes reading that is light, concise, interesting and easy to understand.

The results of this Call for Paper paper have been made into books or proceedings which are distributed to each author and will be uploaded to the Tidar University Library repository.

Article an Iffa Maisyaroh & Zahrotul hurriyyah
