(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id


On 11 October 2018 In the future, the Department of Art & Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang will hold an Inter-Nation Seminar on Arts, Culture and Design - SEDESA 2018, with the main theme "Sukma of Tradition in the Art and Culture of the Present".

The main speakers at the seminar were as follows:

  1. Jean Couteau, France
  2. Esther Dance, Hungary
  3. Karl Edmund Prier, Germany
  4. Ponimin, Indonesia

We invite you teachers, researchers, observers of art, culture, design, and all people who care about art, culture, design, to participate in the 2018 International Seminar - Arts, Culture and Design, both as companion speakers and as non-participants presenter.

Complete information and registration, please visit the website 2018 Cultural Arts Seminar :



Or if there are things that need to be asked, please contact our contact persons:

Abdul Rahman Prasetyo
No. Mobile: 0896 7818 5369

Email: jsd.fs@um.ac.id
