(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id


Ary Kusuma Wardhani / PBSID 2016


Changes in the dynamic times cause changes in communication patterns. Communication that used to be based more on oral, written, and print must switch to digital platforms. Therefore, the changes that have occurred have brought about big problems in this millennial era. The pattern of digital communication is increasingly making people who are still technologically illiterate stagger to adjust the speed of information flow. As a result, not being wise in communicating in the digital world is increasingly happening with the proliferation of terms Hoax, cyber bullying, viral, etc.

People are increasingly lazy to find the correct source of information so that the impact is that a lot of information comes in without filtering, it is easy to believe in one source, until it ignites emotions because of the driver's debate with no clear purpose. In addition, in this millennial era, the ease of accessing information causes people to care less about their surroundings, the term that is far away is indeed brought closer, but unfortunately those who are close are even alienated.

Discussions of hot issues and their scientific solutions in the scope of communication were held seminars and call for paper communication 2018 on September 13-14 2018. The event took place at Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin in collaboration with ASPIKOM (Communication Science Education Association) and FORKAPI (Indonesian Development Communication Forum). The theme carried is Communication Based on Local Wisdom. This theme can be used as a basis for returning to the local wisdom of Indonesia. This is due to the large number of young people who are increasingly carried away by foreign cultures, while their own culture is increasingly being abandoned. Thus, this activity is appropriate to be carried out by means of scientific discussions among academics throughout Indonesia on the results of research findings that have been carried out in the community. Not only that, the personal ties during the activity added many relationships.
