Indonesian and Regional Literature Language Education



  1. Prodi name

S1 Indonesian and Regional Literature Language Education (PBSID)


  1. Vision and mission

The Indonesian and Regional Literature Language Education (PBSID) Study Program has the following vision and mission.

  • Vision

Become a superior study program and a reference in the implementation of the tridharma of higher education in the field of Indonesian education and learning

  • Mission
  • Organizing education in Indonesian language science and student-centered learning using an effective learning approach and optimizing the use of technology.
  • Carrying out educational research and learning the Indonesian language whose findings are beneficial for the development of science and community welfare.
  • Organizing community service in education and learning Indonesian which is oriented towards community empowerment.
  • Organizing accountable and transparent face to face study programs to ensure continuous quality improvement.


  1. Destination
    • Producing scholars of education and learning Indonesian language and literature who are noble, religious, intelligent, independent, and able to develop professionally.
    • Producing scientific works and creative works that excel in education and language learning, Indonesian and regional literature.
    • To produce community service works that are superior in language education, Indonesian and regional literature.
    • To produce effective, efficient and accountable study program performance in the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education.


  1. Formulation of Graduate Profile

Beginner educators and researchers who master core linguistic science, literature (main science and technology), Indonesian language skills, supporting science (supporting science and technology), as well as specialization and development of self-potential which is qualified in design, implement, evaluate, as well innovate learning Indonesian language and literature for the level of primary and secondary education and developing and managing additional skills that are relevant and responsive to demands, the development of science and information technology with the principle of lifelong learning, prioritizing humanities values, and having an entrepreneurial spirit (literacy-preneurship).


  1. SCPL formulation

The Standards for Graduate Learning Outcomes (SCPL) of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program are as follows.

  • Mastering the basic concepts and principles of belief / divinity, state philosophy, citizenship, and Indonesian language to support good behavior as competent Indonesians in responding to life's problems
  • Mastering the concepts and basic principles of linguistic and literary systems that support both receptive and productive linguistic and literary competences in personal and social contexts.
  • Master the concepts, principles and procedures of critical, creative, and wise Indonesian language and literature so that they can interact constructively in local, regional and international communities to share complex ideas accurately, adequately, and effectively
  • Mastering the concepts and principles of pedagogy and learning psychology to respond to the need for the development of Indonesian language and literature education so as to be able to design, implement, evaluate, and create effective, innovative, and comprehensive Indonesian language and literature learning activities to achieve learning competency standards at the basic level and medium
  • Mastering research concepts, principles and procedures so as to be able to review and report on the implementation of Indonesian language and literature education to produce comprehensive solutions at the primary and secondary levels
  • Mastering the principles and procedures of entrepreneurship management in the field of Indonesian language and literature education in order to be able to manage and develop services and creative products in the field of literary language and their learning in accordance with the demands and developments of science and information technology


  1. Curriculum Structure

The study load that must be completed by students of the Indonesian and Regional Literature Language Education Undergraduate Study Program (PBSID) is 147 credits with the following details.


1) Religious education 3 credits
2) Indonesian Language Education 2 credits
3) Pancasila Education 2 credits
4) Citizenship Education (Civics) 2 credits
5) Innovation Management 3 credits
1) Core Scientific Subjects (Main Science and Technology) 55 credits
(1) Language 18
(2) Literature  7
(3) Language proficiency 13
(4) Literary skills 17
2) Supporting Scientific Subjects (Supporting Science and Technology) 65
a) Supporting Basic Scientific Subject 17 credits
b) Prodi Identifier Subject  
(a) Basic Education Subject (MDKP) 29 credits
(b) Basic Subject of Undergraduate Expertise (MDKKS) 19 credits


15 credits




Specialization in Drama

Journalism Specialization

Specialization in Javanese Language

Specialization in BIPA Learning Support





   TOTAL 15 credits


  1. Distribution of Subjects

The following shows the distribution of the PBSID undergraduate study program

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 UNIV6001 Islamic education* 3 3              
UNIV6002 Protestant Religious Education *              
UNIV6003 Catholic Religious Education *              
UNIV6004 Hindu Religious Education *              
UNIV6005 Buddhist Religious Education *              
UNIV6006 Konghuchu Religious Education *              
2 UNIV6007 Pancasila Education 2 2              
3 UNIV6008 Civic education 2 2  √              
4 UNIV6009 Indonesian Language Education 2 2    √            
5 UNIV6010 Innovation Management 3 3              
  12 12 5 4     3      
  1. Core Science Subjects (Main Science and Technology)                
  1) Language                    
6 PIND6001 General Linguistics 2 2              
7 PIND6002 Indonesian Phonology-Morphology 4 4              
8 PIND6003 Syntax Indonesian 3 3              
9 PIND6004 Indonesian Semantics 2 2              
10 PIND6005 Psycholinguistics 2 2              
11 PIND6006 Sociolinguistics 2 2              
12 PIND6007 Discourse Studies 3 3              
  18 18 2 4 5 4 3      
  2) Literature                    
13 PIND6008 Literary Theory 2 2              
14 PIND6009 History of Indonesian Literature 2 2    √            
15 PIND6010 Introduction to Literary Criticism 3 3      √          
  7 7   2 2 3        
  3) Language Proficiency                    
16 PIND6011 Listening-Talking 4 4              
17 PIND6012 Reading Malay Arabic Writing 2 3              
18 PIND6013 Writing Teaching Materials 3 3              
19 PIND6014 Reading-Writing Articles (Scientific and Non-Scientific) 4 4              
      13 14 6     3   4    
  4) Literary Skills                    
20 PIND6015 Indonesian Literary Literacy 2 3              
21 PIND6016 Appreciation of Poetry 3 3              
22 PIND6017 Appreciation of Prose and Drama 3 3              
23 PIND6018 Writing poetry 3 3    √            
24 PIND6019 Writing Prose and Drama 3 3        √        
25 PIND6020 Writing Criticism and Literary Essays 3 3              
  17 18 2   6 3 3 3    
  2. Supporting Scientific Subjects (Supporting Science and Technology)                
  1) Supporting Basic Scientific Subject                
26 FSAS6001 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science 2 2              
27 FSAS6002 Humans and Indonesian Culture 2 2              
28 PIND6021 Cross Cultural Understanding 2 3              
29 PIND6022 BI as a foreign language 2 3              
30 PIND6023 BI Program as a Foreign Language 3 3              
31 PIND6024 BI Learning Resources Development as a BA 3 3              
32 PIND6025 BI Learning Innovation as a BA 3 3              
      17 19 4 2 2 3 3 3    
  2) Study Program Identifier Subject                
    Basic Education and Basic Education LanguageIndonesian literature                
33 UNIV6011 Introduction to Education 3 3              
34 UNIV6012 Student Development 3 3      √          
35 UNIV6013 Learning and Learning 4 4        V        
36 PIND6026 Curriculum and Learning Design of BSI 3 3              
37 PIND6027 Development of BSI Learning Resources and Media 3 3              
38 PIND6028 BSI Learning Strategies 3 3              
39 PIND6029 Evaluation of BSI Learning 3 4              
40 PIND6030 BSI Micro Learning Practices 3 4              
41 UPLP6090 School Field Experience 4                
  29 27   7 6 6 3 3 4  
    Basic Expertise Bachelor of Indonesian Language and Literature Education                
42 PIND6031 Research Basics 3 3              
43 PIND6032 Indonesian Language Education Research. * 3 3              
  PIND6033 Indo Literature Education Research. * 3 3              
44 PIND6034 Research Proposal Seminar Pend. Indonesian * 3 3              
  PIND6035 Research Proposal Seminar Pend. Indonesian literature * 3 3             V  
45 PIND6100 Essay 6 6              √
46 UKKN6090 Real Work Lecture (KKN) 4                
      19 15         3 7 8  
    Specialization MK 1: Drama                    
47 PIND6036 Dramaturgy 2 2              
48 PIND6037 Role 3 3              
49 PIND6038 Drama Staging Design 3 3              
50 PIND6039 Drama Staging 4 4              
51 PIND6040 Performance Artistic System 3 3            √    
  15 15         5 3 7  
    Specialization MK 2: Journalism                    
52 PIND6041 Introduction to Journalism 3 3              
53 PIND6042 News writing and Features 3 3              
54 PIND6043 Editorial Writing and Opinion 3 3              
55 PIND6044 Journalistic Management 3 3              
56 PIND6045 Journalistic Innovation 3 3              
  15 15                
    Specialization MK 3: Javanese Language                    
57 PIND6046 Paramasastra Javanese Language 2 2              
58 PIND6047 Javanese Literature 3 3              
59 PIND6048 Listening-Speaking Javanese 3 3              
60 PIND6049 Reading and Writing Javanese 3 3              
61 PIND6050 Javanese Language Learning Strategies 4 4              
  15 15                
    Specialization MK 4: Language Supporting BIPA Learning                    
62 PIND6051 English for Oral Communication 3 3              
63 PIND6052 English for Academic Oral Communication 3 3              
64 PIND6053 English for Written Communication 3 3              
65 PIND6054 English for Academic Written Communication 3 3              
66 PIND6055 Cross Cultural Communication 3 3              
  15 15                
TOTAL 147 147 19 20 21 20 20 22 19 4 

