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Teaching Faculty of Letters and Arts (FKSS)

The Indonesian Language Department and the English Department have existed since the establishment of the Malang Teacher Education College (PTPG) on October 18, 1954, which was the forerunner of the Malang Teachers' Training College. Simultaneously with the establishment of IKIP Malang on May 1, 1963, Teaching Faculty of Letters and Arts (FKSS) stands by managing 2 departments, namely

  1. Indonesian Language and Literature Department, and
  2. English major. The English Department consists of several sections, namely the English Section, the German Language Section, and the Arabic Language Section

In 1967 there was a restructuring of the department. This arrangement resulted in the closing of the German Language Section because there were less than 3 permanent lecturers. In 1968, the Fine Arts Department was officially established and began accepting the first batch of new students. In 1969 the Arabic Language Department was officially established. Since that year, FKSS has four departments, namely

  1. Department of Indonesian Language and Literature,
  2. English major,
  3. Department of Arabic, and
  4. Department of Fine Arts.

In 1975, the Government synchronized the management system of universities in Indonesia. Starting that year the department system was introduced. As a result, the four departments at FKSS changed their names to

  1. Indonesian Language and Literature Department,
  2. Department of English Language and Literature,
  3. Department of Arabic Language and Literature, and
  4. Department of Fine Arts.

Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS)

Based on Government Regulation Number 27 of 1981 which is basically a restructuring of the Faculties within Universities and Institutes, in 1983 the Teaching Faculty of Letters and Arts (FKSS) was changed to Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS). The names of the majors changed to

  1. Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education,
  2. English education department,
  3. Department of Foreign Language Education, and
  4. Department of Arts and Crafts Education.

In addition, starting from the 1992/1993 academic year, FPBS was entrusted with managing the Bachelor of Basic Education program in the Indonesian Language Study, whose implementation was handed over to the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education.

Faculty of Letters (FS)

Based on Presidential Decree Number 93 of 1999 concerning the Change of the Teacher Training and Education Institute (IKIP) to become a University, the IKIP Malang officially changed its status to Malang State University (UM). This also implies a change in the name of the faculty. The name of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS) changed to Faculty of Letters (FS) based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 270 / U / 1999 and the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 30 of 2012 concerning Organization and Work Procedure (OTK) of State University of Malang. The number and names of departments / study programs have also changed due to the opening of the Diploma III Animation Game Study Program, the Library Diploma III Study Program, the Chinese Language Education Undergraduate Study Program and the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) which requires the History department to join FIS.

In 2014, based on the letter of the Director General of Higher Education number 439 / E.E2 / DT / 2014, dated 19 May 2014, the Faculty of Letters received a mandate to organize four new study programs, namely: (1) Bachelor of Library Science, (2) Master of Language Teaching , (3) Masters in Arabic Language Teaching, and (4) Masters in Teacher Training in Fine Arts.

The acting Dean from FKSS until now is

  • Prof. Drs. S. Wojowasito (1965-1968)
  • Dr. Samsuri (1968-1971)
  • Dr. Zaini Mahmoed (1971-1974)
  • Dr. MF Baradja (1974-1977)
  • Drs. MA Icksan (1977-1978)
  • Prof. Drs. S. Wojowasito (1978—1981)
  • Prof. Drs. Pranjoto Setjoatmodjo (1981—1984)
  • Drs. H. Imam Hasan (1984-1990)
  • Dr. Nuril Huda MA (1990—1991)
  • Drs. H. Sujanto (1991-1994)
  • Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Oka (1994—1997)
  • Drs. H. Ahmad Fuad Effendy (1997-2001)
  • Prof. Dr. H. Suparno (2001-2006)
  • Prof. Dr. Dawud, M.Pd(2006—2016)
  • Prof. Dra. Hj. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D.(2016—2022)
  • Dr. Moch. Syahri, S.Sos, M.Si (2022—Sekarang)