(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id
The XII IMBSJI Congress was held from July 30 to August 2 2018 at the State University of Malang. This event is an annual program of the German Language Students Association which this year Malang State University is trusted to be the host. This congress was attended by 12 universities in Indonesia which have German language majors. On the first day, there was an opening and a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Then on the second day the event continued with a national seminar with Dr. phil. Dian Ekawati, MA from Padjadjaran University and Zitronenkuchen from State University of Malang. The seminar was divided into 2 sessions, namely plenary and parallel sessions. If in the plenary session there are 2 speakers mentioned above, in the parallel session the congress participants will be presenters. Congress participants are required to send their papers and present them during this session. This became a new breakthrough in the history of the congress, where the committee of the German Literature HMJ succeeded in making a collection of validated papers or commonly called the Proceedings.
Apart from the seminar, a Vortrag Halten Competition (German Language Speech Contest) was also held. Of the 20 participants, all winners came from the State University of Malang. This proves that the students' German language skills at the State University of Malang are very superior compared to other universities. The third day was a session to discuss IMBSJI AD ART and was continued with the closing ceremony. On the fourth day, all participants as well as the committee made a city tour guided by the a day to walk Team from Auxploration.
The series of events for the XII IMBSJI Congress at State University of Malang would not be carried out well without the support of various parties and the participation of the German Literature Department Student Association as the committee.