(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

CSSMoRA's CSSMoRA Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIA) is a national level competition for students held by Community of Santri Scholars of Ministry of Religious Affairs UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, with the theme "Al-quran-Hadith and Efforts to Create a Golden Indonesia in 2045". The sub-themes we took were Al-quran / hadith and digital media.

The innovation of memorizing the Koran with the use of digital media has now developed a lot, for example: iQuran Lite, Quran for Android, Al-Quran Al-Hadi, and so forth. The method applied to this application has similarities with one another, namely using the usual memorization method which distinguishes it from the use of technology, so that the method comes in an application form and is easy to carry anywhere. However, if you use familiar methods, youth enthusiasm for memorizing the Koran cannot increase. Meanwhile, memorizing the Koran has a very important virtue both in this world and in the hereafter, this is explained in the verses of the Koran and several authentic traditions. Therefore, we provide solutions to increase the enthusiasm of young people to memorize the Koran by developing a games which we call Al-Quran Remember or can be abbreviated as QUBER.

This activity was held for three days on February 8-10 2019 which was held at the Theatrical Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FISHUM) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The activity on the first day is that the committee picks up the hostel or dormitory. After that, a technical meeting is held at the Girls' Dormitory which is also a place to stay during the competition. The activity on the second day, was the top event, namely the presentation of LKTIA finalists at the Theatrical Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FISHUM) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Activities on the third or last day were the announcement of winners and closing events.



Rosyada Nuriyatus Salihah

NIM 170253610525
