(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

The 2019 National Education Debate Competition is a national level debate competition attended by more than 16 finalists who are students from various universities throughout Indonesia, starting from Tanjungpura University, Pattimura University, Atma Jogja University, to Padjajaran University. This competition was held in the Main Hall of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, State University of Semarang.

During the two days of activity, there were four rounds; preliminary round, quarter final round, semi final round, and grand final round. There are three rounds in the preliminary round. Round 1 of our team (UM1) against UNS with a motion "This council believes that the national education system should be focused on developing the potential interests and talents of children from an early age". The UM1 team succeeded in winning round 1. Round 2 of the UM1 team against UB with the motion "This council supports the improvement of practice for profit education in higher education systems in developing countries ”. The UM1 team won round 2. Round 3 the UM1 team against IPB with the motion "The council believes that the government imposes the student loan must exempt all loan dependents borrowed by students or students who experience long-term unemployment after graduating from the educational institution ”. In round 3, the IPB team won. From the total wins as well as the score we got, we succeeded advanced to the quarterfinal and was in fourth position. In this quarterfinal, the eight teams with the highest scores were taken. In the quarter final, our team (UM1) fought UNNES1 with a motion "this council believes that English should be the only language of instruction for science, social studies, and mathematics in developing countries". This round was won by the UNNES1 team so that our team could not qualify for the semi-finals and grandfinal. At the end of the competition the best speaker was announced and I was awarded the title TOP 10 BEST VOICE.

(Nur Zila Wati, NIM: 170221607017)
