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The Youth Culture Camp (KBKM) was held on July 21-25 2019 at the Prambanan Camping Ground, Klaten, Central Java. The Youth Cultural Camp is a cultural work platform that brings together young people between the ages of 18-28 years to answer various challenges of cultural advancement by utilizing a wealth of insights in the fields of STEAM and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. First, as an incubator space for innovation in the advancement of culture, the KBKM accommodates youth initiatives to create prototypes or activation of social initiatives that can solve certain challenges and problems in the field of cultural advancement. Second, as a collaborative coworking space, KBKM provides a shared space for young people from various skill backgrounds (STEAM) and regions to interact and work together for the advancement of culture. Third, as a space for the facilitation of pilot businesses in the field of cultural advancement, the KBKM accommodates a meeting between cultural prototyping initiatives or activation of social initiatives and funding sources (government and private) so as to activate these initiatives into long-term projects with broad impacts.

In one group there are 3-5 people who register one of the four prototype categories. The first prototype is an application prototype. Application prototypes are prototypes in the form of digital applications and have the aim of advancing culture. The second is a physical prototype. Physical prototypes are prototypes in physical form and have the aim of advancing culture. The third is activity activation. Activation activities are activities that involve the community in efforts to promote culture. The fourth is study activation. Study activation is a data collection and study activity that involves the community in efforts to promote culture.

There were 3,050 participants who registered in 735 groups divided into four prototype categories. Application prototypes for 136 applicant groups, physical prototypes for 53 registrant groups, activation for the study of 107 registrants, and activation for activities for 439 registrants. The groups were then further selected to consider the best ideas which could later be further developed and facilitated at the Prambanan Temple Camping Ground for five days. There were 561 participants in 133 selected groups in the final selection of KBKM, namely 46 application prototypes, 31 physical prototypes, 25 study activations, and 31 activity activations. 133 groups are dispatched and then given directions for developing their creative ideas through facilitators qualified for the three-day judging process (23-25 July).

Annisa Fitria Nuril Faradise (180221607008)

Haidir Algi GF (180221607091)

Roza Damayanti Almasus Putri (180221600122)

Sofia Ari Murti (170221607027)
