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Seminar Internasional Sastra Indonesia

International Seminar on Indonesian Literature

This National Seminar aims
1) accommodate innovative original ideas in learning Indonesian language and literature,
2) develop insight into the learning process of Indonesian language and literature which is meaningful in life,
3) obtain an overview of the learning model of Indonesian language and literature based on wisdom in life,
4) obtain an overview of the research-based learning strategy model for Indonesian language and literature, and
5) produce innovative solutions and recommendations for learning Indonesian language and literature to build students' wisdom in life.

1) Dr. M. Hamka, M.Pd (Center for Curriculum and Book of the Ministry of Education and Culture's Balitbang)
Development of Culture-Based Learning Strategies for Indonesian Language and Literature to Improve Students' Wisdom in Life

2) Dr. Agus Trianto, M.Pd. (Bengkulu University)
Development of Research-Based Indonesian Language and Literature Learning Model

3) Prof. Dr. Djoko Saryono, M.Pd (Professor of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, UM)
Indonesian Language and Literature Learning Innovation Based on 5 UNESCO Education Pillars

Invitation Paper Topics
This National Seminar invites the participation of participants to write and present a paper that will be published in the proceedings. The topics that can be chosen by invited speakers are as follows.
1) Innovative and meaningful Indonesian Language and Literature Learning Strategy
2) Indonesian Language and Literature Learning Materials in the Character Development of Students
3) Media and Learning Resources for Indonesian Language and Literature
4) Evaluation of Indonesian Language and Literature Learning
5) Innovative Indonesian Language and Literature Learning Model

Seminar participants
1) General (Lecturers, Teachers, Enthusiasts and Observers of Language, Literature, and Learning)
2) S1, S2, and S3 students

Provisions of the Proceeding Paper
1) Proceedings are written in good and correct Indonesian.
2) The content of the paper presents and discusses one of the predetermined topics.
3) The systematic of the paper consists of: title, author's name, abstract, keywords, description of the content of the paper (description of sub-headings), and a list of references.
4) The weight of the content and the authenticity of the contents of the paper is the responsibility of the author.
5) Papers are submitted in softcopy form to the committee via email: jsi.fs@um.ac.id
6) Deadline for delivery on 31 October 2016

Seminar Fee

1) General Presenter Rp. 250,000.00
2) Student Presenter Rp. 150,000.00
3) General Participant Rp. 100,000.00
4) Student Participants Rp.50,000.00
* Fees are transferred through the BRI Account an Mochammad Zainy No. REC. 005101022093539. If you have made a payment, please inform the contact person.

Contact person
Kristina Hestiningsih 08123318693
Muhammad Zaeni 08563593435

Seminar Implementation
Time: Saturday, 5 November 2016
Venue: UM Hall - A3 Building, 2nd Floor (Plenary Paper Presentation)
Classroom Postgraduate Building H2 and H3 (Parallel Presentation of Papers


Mahakarya Seniman 2 Negara dalam ARTEASTISM #2

Artists' Masterpieces of 2 Countries in ARTEASTISM #2

On October 10 to 14, 2016 the Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters held Arteastism#2 activities. Not only inviting domestic artists, Arteastism also invited several artists from abroad including from Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. Arteastism carries a spirit of togetherness in art. Art becomes a universal language that unites people from different cultural backgrounds.

This grand event was officially opened by Malang State University officials. The opening was enlivened by a spectacular performance of colossal contemporary dance and music collaboration from the Dance and Music Education Study Program (PSTM). The show involved about 60 students from the PSTM study program. The choreographer of this colossal dance is Robby Hidajat M.Sn, a dance lecturer at PSTM who is currently completing his doctoral study. The show's presentation was enough to grab the attention of the attendees who enthusiastically watched the show from beginning to end.


