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Kolaborasi Dua Mahasiswi Sastra Inggris dalam Event CONAPLIN XII

Collaboration of Two English Literature Students in the XII CONAPLIN Event

The application of linguistics is always an exciting discussion. This time, two FS students became UM delegates in the CONAPLIN event (The Twelfth Conference on Applied Linguistics) (1-2 / 10). This event was organized by the Indonesian Education University (UPI) Bandung and was held at the Grand Tjokro Hotel, Jl. Cihampelass, Coblong District, Bandung City. With the theme "Applied Linguistics and Industrial Revolution 4.0: Reviewing Policy, Expanding Research, Enriching Practices", Various aspects of linguistics were discussed in this conference. Followed by universities throughout Indonesia, all participants seemed enthusiastic about participating in a series of events from the beginning of the implementation to the closing day.

The opening of the CONAPLIN event was held in the Grand Tjokro hotel hall by the general chairman of ALTI Indonesia, Eri Kurniawan, Ph.D. On that day there were two keynote speakers have been eagerly awaited by presenters nor participants. The first speaker was Prof. Bacharudin Musthafa, who discussed teaching and learning in the industrial era 4.0 and the challenges that accompany it. In addition, there are Prof. Joanne Michelle Mynard who discusses independent learning for lifelong learning.

At this conference, Afifah Ainiyah and Nur Nilam Ayu Saputri, students of the Faculty of Letters, majoring in English Literature class 2017, became presenters by presenting their research entitled Applying English teaching strategy for digital native students using code mixing and code switching: lerners perspective. The research involved students and female students from the English literature department who had taken the course Intermediate Reading. This study aims to analyze the application code mixing (mix code) and code switching (code switching) used by subject lecturers Intermediate Reading. This research is deemed necessary to determine the consequences of using code mixing and code switching in making it easier for students to understand narrative text in lessons Intermediate Reading the.

On the second day, two keynote speaker delivered his presentation which is still in the scope of linguistics. Prof. Anita Lie, as the first speaker, presented her research entitled The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Language Policy: Indonesia Readiness to Use and Democratize English. After that it was continued by Asst Prof. LIM Fei Victor, which discusses multiliteration in English classrooms. All the material provided is very interesting, it is hoped that all the material that has been delivered by keynote speaker and para presenters, can be useful in the world of linguistics, especially in Indonesia.

Abdul Wahhab, Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Arab Mengikuti ICALL 3 di UPI Bandung

Abdul Wahhab, Arabic Literature Department Student Participates in ICALL 3 at UPI Bandung

The 3rd The International Conference On Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL 3) was held on October 14-15 2019 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This conference aims to increase the creativity and innovation of Arabic Language Learning and Islamic Studies as well as to facilitate scientific forums for Arabic language studies, Islamic studies and its teaching. In response to this, the Department of Arabic, Faculty of Languages and Letters, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia intends to conduct this conference.

Activity The 3rd The International Conference On Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL 3) University of Education was held on October 15, 2019. This conference was preceded by the delivery of material from keynote speaker, namely Dr. Ahmad Muhammad At-Tukhi. Then proceed with the delivery of material from the two speaker UPI professor, namely Prof. Didi Sukiyadi, S.Pd, MA and Prof. Syihabudin, M.Pd. After that, the conference was continued with parallel sessions attended by 27 selected speakers from lecturers, students and Arabic language practitioners from various universities. Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, participated as one of the speakers and presented his paper at this conference. The results of this conference are packaged in printed proceedings.

Konferensi ini tidak akan berlangsung tanpa dukungan dari sponsor terpercaya kami – ice-casino.dk. Platform tepercaya ini telah membangun reputasi yang luar biasa di dunia game online. Mereka memprioritaskan keamanan dan menawarkan banyak pilihan permainan langsung, memastikan bahwa setiap pemain dapat menikmati waktu luang.

(Abdul Wahhab, Arabic Literature Department student)

Kegiatan HMJ Bertajuk TAMASJA 2019

HMJ Activity titled TAMASJA 2019

Art and Design is one of the departments in the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, in which there are four study programs with their respective characteristics. This department has an internal organization that accommodates the aspirations of its students to be more creative and critical in their work to be appreciated by the wider community. The organization which was later named the Art and Design Department Student Association (HMJ) was eventually formed on the basis of one mission and vision, namely to improve the quality of the work of Art and Design students, as well as a forum for the realization of creative ideas in the fields of art and design. Besides that, it is also a form of the close brotherhood between the Art and Design departments. This organization is expected to continue to have prospects in the future and continue to regenerate along with the times. On this basis, in September 2019 the HMJ organization carried out a work program specifically aimed at 2019 new students (Maba). Through this activity we intend to introduce the HMJ organization through an approach in the Art and Design Department Student Level (TMSJ Sedesa) event. In this activity, it will be explained clearly about the HMJ Art and Design organization, then we also invite new students to serve the community. It is hoped that with this approach, we can embrace new students, increase a high social life and also improve the unfavorable public perspective towards art and design students. With this activity, all HMJ members can promote all work programs for the next year to attract freshmen to participate as part of these activities.


The Student Level of the Art and Design Department or abbreviated as TMSJ Sedesa is a forum for introductions, initial debriefing, and socialization of life within the scope of the department to new students so that later it will have a good impact on all new students of the Art and Design Department. In addition to familiarity between generations, this activity will also bring together students between study programs so that later they can work together in improving the quality of Art and Design students and we also invite Art and Design students to come down directly to face problems in society. In this TMSJ Sedesa, new students from the Department of Art and Design will be honed with independence, criticism, creativity, cooperation and responsibility as an academic community. With this activity, it is hoped that there will be a better regeneration that will fill the organization of the Art and Design Department Student Association as a forum for student appreciation.


In this year's TMSJ, we not only provide service to the surrounding community but also provide more direction and provision to new Art and Design students about concept strengthening materials and the person in charge of work to packaging works in all fields in the UM Department of Art and Design, that material itself will be presented by demisioners of the UM Art and Design Department who have been successful and experienced in their fields. Through this event, we also hope that new students will have a more mature mindset so that in the future they will be able to bring the UM Art and Design community to be more developed in quality and be known positively by the public, especially in the field of Art and Design.


This TMSJ was held at Coban Rais, which is one of the white water rafting tours in the Kora Batu area. In that area, we found many problems, namely that the tourist spot is not well known by the wider community, lack of supporting facilities such as a sign system, trash can, and a lack of decorations that can attract tourists. There we will also hand over reading books and bookshelves as a symbol of reminiscence from this year's TMSJ event which will also benefit the local community and tourists who come to Coban Rais tours.

(HMJ Art and Design)

Kebanggan Mahasiswa FS UM Mengikuti Kompetisi IREX (2019) di UiTM Malaysia

The Pride of FS UM Students in Participating in the IREX Competition (2019) at UiTM Malaysia

The International Industrial Revolution 4.0 Exposition 2019 (IREx) is an international-scale invention competition held by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Kedah, Malaysia. This activity was held on 19 September 2019. A total of 120 participants in the activity came from countries in Southeast Asia.

Rahadian Dimas Dody, student majoring in English Literature (FS) together with Deni Ainur (FMIPA), Nur Indah A (FMIPA), Risky (FMIPA), Nur Wagis (FIP), Nur Laili (FIP) participated in this competition by bringing two works (1) Sidoarjo MudFlow Electric and (2) Mr. JHAK.
The announcement and awarding session will be held on September 19, 2019 at 15.00. The results obtained from the competition are the Gold Medal and Best Booth for the work of Sidoarjo MudFlow Electric. As for the work of Mr. JHAK received a Silver Medal.
RUMILUS 2019 “Information Disclosure:Peran Informasi dalam mewujudkan generasi Indonesia Emas 2045”

RUMILUS 2019 "Information Disclosure: The Role of Information in realizing the 2045 Golden Indonesia Generation"


"Information Disclosure: The Role of Information in realizing the Golden Indonesia Generation 2045"

On September 16-17, Indonesian Literature HMJ has carried out RUMILUS (Library Science Forum) which has the theme "Information Disclosure, the role of information in realizing the Indonesian generation 2045". This activity is for students and the public. The purpose is held so that we can prepare ourselves in responding to future information. This activity starts at 08.00 WIB, takes place in the A3 Hall of Malang State University and is attended by students

On Monday, September 16, 2019, there were a series of competitions that were held in RUMILUS such as scientific articles, creative poster competitions, inspirational video competitions with various sub-themes ranging from big data, library information management, library innovation, Institutional Repositories, Digital Information, Information Policy, Information Literacy. This series of competitions was attended by various universities. The event was opened by a performance from Griya Sastra.

On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 HMJ Sastra also presented the General Chairperson of the East Java FPPTI, namely Amirul Ulum, S, Sos., M.IP. and Lecturer in library science at State University of Malang, namely Taufiq Kurniawan, SIP, M.IP. This material is presented very interestingly. This event also has entertainment starting from the appearance of Griya Sastra and in between the events there is also a distribution of vouchers.

ONEDAY Vol.7 2019 Jurusan Seni dan Desain FS Bertajuk HOMPIMPA

ONEDAY Vol. 7 2019 Department of Art and Design FS entitled HOMPIMPA

This September the Association of Art and Design Departments, State University of Malang held the ONEDAY event which is an annual event and has been held for the seventh time, namely ONEDAY Vol. 7. ONEDAY was held in September to be precise on Wednesday, September 4 2019 at the Q3 Open Stage, State University of Malang. Involves the participation of students of the Department of Art and Design class 2018 as event performers and committee, and is intended especially for new students of the 2019 Design Art Department. At the seventh ONEDAY, it carries a different concept from previous years, because this year we raised the concept of performance.

ONEDAY this year is packaged in the form of a show and with the theme 'HOMPIMPA'. Whereas in the previous year, ONEDAY conceptualized an exhibition which was carried out by students of the Art Design Department. The event was opened with remarks given by the supervisor and the Chairperson of the Design Arts Department Student Association, not forgetting remarks by the Head of the ONEDAY event. This was followed by several appearances from performers from within the State University of Malang. This event was also enlivened by the presence of various booths from inside and outside the State University of Malang.

At ONEDAY this year, although it is different from the previous year, the enthusiasm of new students is very high. At the peak of the ONEDAY event this time, there was a performance by the 2018 class of Design Art Students with the theme 'HOMPIMPA', which means that Hompimpa is something that is done before playing a game (especially in traditional Indonesian games), likened to a form of welcoming new students before they enter the world of lectures. At the end of the event, there were musical performances from music groups from within the State University of Malang.

In the end, the purpose of the event, which was aimed at welcoming new students and welcoming Indonesian traditions to the show, was well achieved. So that later on, students of the Art and Design Department will be able to become part of a creative, innovative, and never miss Indonesian tradition.


Secara keseluruhan, acara ONEDAY berjalan lancar dan sukses. Tidak terdapat kendala yang begitu berarti selama pelaksanaan acara. Antusias mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Malang maupun masyarakaat Malang pada acara sangat baik. Hal ini terbukti dengan banyaknya pengunjung serta pihak-pihak yang ikut berkecimpung dalam acara ONEDAY vol. 7 tahun ini.

(HMJ Art and Design)
