(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id
Zhongwen Bisai (中文比赛) 2019 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin

Zhongwen Bisai (中文 比赛) 2019 Students of Chinese Language Education Study Program

Mandarin language students enthusiastically participate in the series of activities at Zhongwen Bisai (中文 比赛) 2019 located in the A3 Building Hall of Malang State University for 2 days (6-7 September 2019). HMJ German Literature which not only covers Pend. German but also Pend. Mandarin language conducts a special mandarin themed activity for Mandarin study program students.

The first day was filled with alumni sharing events. This session attended the alumni of the Mandarin study program, namely Galuh, Dian, and Dhevy. The three speakers shared their experiences while studying in China. They also shared tips and tricks for getting scholarships to study in China, both for master's and exchange programs. After the alumni sharing session, students of the 2018 and 2017 batches conducted HSK simulations Hanyu Shuiping Ji Moni Ceshi (汉语 水平 级 模拟 测试) while the 2019 batch is scheduled to play the Rank 1 game At Yi Ming (第一名). As the closing activity, there was a poetry competition which was participated by Mandarin study program students from various generations.

Saturday, September 7, 2019, the second day of the 2019 Zhongwen Bisai event was enlivened with various competitions ranging from fashion shows, calligraphy, to dance performances for each generation. The day's activities on the second day ended with the announcement of the winners of various competitions which were held for 2 days.

HMJ German Literature 2019

Partisipasi Mahasiswa FS pada Seminar Nasional Kongres IMBSJI XIII

FS Student Participation in the XIII IMBSJI Congress National Seminar

On Monday, August 5, 2019, the 2019 XIII IMBSJI Congress National Seminar was held with the theme "The Role of German Language and Literature in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0". The National Seminar which was held as one of a series of events in the 2019 XIII IMBSJI Congress was filled by two main speakers, namely Mrs. Dr.phil. Dian Ekawati, MA, as a lecturer in German literature (UNPAD), who delivered her written work entitled "German in the Digital Career Era" and Mr. Dadan Hamdani as the head of IGBJI for the West Java region who delivered her written work entitled "Learning German with Digital Media. in a Didactic Perspective ”. Apart from the two main presenters, after going through a rigorous selection process, in this seminar the three best presenter teams had the opportunity to present their scientific papers in front of National Seminar participants, delegates of the 2019 IMBSJI Congress, the jury, lecturers of German Language and Literature at Padjajaran University. , as well as invited guests who attended.

The three speakers consisted of three groups from three different universities that have joined the membership of the All-Indonesian German Language and Literature Student Association (IMBSJI). The three universities include Padjajaran University with a scientific paper entitled "Alternative to Learning German through Youtube channel 'Learn German with Film '”, Yogyakarta State University with a scientific paper entitled "The 'Gule Grogol' Application(Guiding, Learning, German through Folklore) as Learning German through Folklore ", and the last one is from the State University of Malang with a scientific paper entitled" Analysis of German Language Levels in Video Content "Summer Program ' on the Canal Youtube 'Learn German with Jenny' ".

The scientific work was written with reference to the second sub-theme in the National Seminar, namely, German Language and Technology for the Education Sector. The writing of this paper is also motivated by the increasing use of based learning media on line as a form of utilizing technological progress in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is being intensively discussed by the world community. Even though scientific work has not been able to get first place, the opportunity to become a speaker and give a presentation at a National Seminar has become a valuable experience and a special pride for Ajeng Vantika, Alikhatul Khoiroh, Galilia Omni Ovi Damayanti, and Novia Ning Ristya, a student of class 2018, German Literature, State University of Malang, which is part of the scientific work group of the 2019 National Seminar of the IMBSJI Congress.


Pimpinan Fakultas Sastra Mendukung Mahasiswanya Di Ajang Kompetisi Debat Mahasiswa Indonesia (KDMI) Di UNAIR Surabaya

Faculty of Letters Leaders Support Students in Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI) at UNAIR Surabaya

The competition is divided into 2 categories. First, namely the National University Debate Championship (NUDC), or an English debate competition. Second, the Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI) which is located at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Fisheries UNAIR Surabaya will be held from 15 to 17 July 2019.


Related links:


Taking place at Unair, Kemenristekdikti held a 2019 National Debate Competition

Top 10 Pembicara Terbaik pada Lomba Debat Nasional Pendidikan 2019 FIP UNNES

Top 10 Best Speakers at the 2019 FIP UNNES National Education Debate Competition

The 2019 National Education Debate Competition is a national level debate competition attended by more than 16 finalists who are students from various universities throughout Indonesia, starting from Tanjungpura University, Pattimura University, Atma Jogja University, to Padjajaran University. This competition was held in the Main Hall of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, State University of Semarang.

During the two days of activity, there were four rounds; preliminary round, quarter final round, semi final round, and grand final round. There are three rounds in the preliminary round. Round 1 of our team (UM1) against UNS with a motion "This council believes that the national education system should be focused on developing the potential interests and talents of children from an early age". The UM1 team succeeded in winning round 1. Round 2 of the UM1 team against UB with the motion "This council supports the improvement of practice for profit education in higher education systems in developing countries ”. The UM1 team won round 2. Round 3 the UM1 team against IPB with the motion "The council believes that the government imposes the student loan must exempt all loan dependents borrowed by students or students who experience long-term unemployment after graduating from the educational institution ”. In round 3, the IPB team won. From the total wins as well as the score we got, we succeeded advanced to the quarterfinal and was in fourth position. In this quarterfinal, the eight teams with the highest scores were taken. In the quarter final, our team (UM1) fought UNNES1 with a motion "this council believes that English should be the only language of instruction for science, social studies, and mathematics in developing countries". This round was won by the UNNES1 team so that our team could not qualify for the semi-finals and grandfinal. At the end of the competition the best speaker was announced and I was awarded the title TOP 10 BEST VOICE.

(Nur Zila Wati, NIM: 170221607017)

Bakti Literasi 2019

Literacy Service 2019

Literacy Service is one of the work programs of the Association of Indonesian Literature Departments, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Bakti Literasi 2019 raised the theme "Serving in Sumber Kreco Hamlet as a Form of Reaching Glory in the Holy Month of Ramadan". This time the literacy service will be held in Sumber Kreco Hamlet, Sidomulyo Village, Kec. Jabung, district. Poor.

The series of events at the literacy service are Adhan Competition, Memorization of Short Letters, Free Health Checkup, Sasindo Teaching, Sasindo Mengaji and Riung Desa. This activity involved the management of the Indonesian Literature Association, several Indonesian Literature students and Malang Health Polytechnic BEM. In this event HMJ Sastra Indonesia collaborated with BEM Health Polytechnic Malang in public health examinations in Sumber Kreco hamlet.

On the first day, Indonesian Literature HMJ attended the takmir meeting of the Sumber Kreco Hamlet mosque, Sidomulyo Village. At the meeting we conveyed the activities of the Indonesian Literature HMJ with the hope that the villagers could participate in enlivening the existing activities. The second day was held Indonesian Literature Teaching at MI Al-Hidayah and continued with Free Health Checks for residents of Sumber Kreco Hamlet and also continued with competitions, namely adzan competitions, memorizing short letters in the afternoon. On the third day, we continued the Indonesian Literature Teaching activities at MI Al-Hidayah, not only teaching, we also helped reorganize the school library. On this third day, we also held Riung Desa, where the community shared their experiences with us. Iftar together after the village riung was led by one of the community leaders, Mr. Sholeh, the owner of the local Islamic boarding school.

The literacy service activities that coincided with the month of Ramadan gave us the opportunity to share our sustenance and experiences with the people of Kreco Hamlet.

(HMJ Indonesian Literature)

Gelar Karya Mahasiswa 2019

2019 Student Work Degree

Student Work Degree is one of the work programs of the Association of Indonesian Literature Departments, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. The Student Work Title which is abbreviated as GKM consists of 3 series of events namely Student Scientific Work, Article Competition and the peak night namely Punjangga Night. The three series of events were held from March - April 2019 at the State University of Malang.

Student Scientific Work or abbreviated as KIM is a competition for writing Student Scientific Papers. This competition was attended by active students of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, batch 2016, 2017, and 2018. Student Scientific Work consists of 5 fields, namely Social Research and Humanities, Community Service, Technology, Creative Initiative and Written Ideas. The systematics of writing KIM itself almost 90% follows the PKM guidelines. The purpose of KIM itself is to increase the critical and scientific power of students. The KIM competition was held on March 28 - April 22 2019. The KIM competition was attended by 31 participants spread over 9 works. The winner of KIM was announced on Punjangga Night on April 30, 2019 consisting of 3 winners, namely 1st place chaired by Khoirotul, 2nd winner chaired by Ike Karunia Safitri and 3rd place chaired by Meirisa Anggraeni.

The second series of GKM events is the Article competition. The Artike Competition was held on April 28 - April 22 2019. This competition was also attended by active students of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, batch 2016, 2017, and 2018. Article works are written in good and correct Indonesian with PUEBI (General Guidelines for Spelling Languages Indonesia). The theme carried is "Digital Literacy: Building a Character Generation in the Millennial Era" with a choice of several sub-themes, namely Language and Literature Development through Creative Industries, Children's Literature as a Means to Build Character Generation, Language and Literature as National Identity, Use of Language in Marketing Strategies in the Era Digital. This competition was attended by 10 participants. The winners of this article competition were announced on April 30, 2019 at the Pujangga Night event. The winners of this competition were 1st winner Faisal Akbar Firmansyah, 2nd winner Nila Ayati Nuzula, and 3rd winner Alfani 'Aziza.

The highlight of the last GKM series was Punjangga Night. Pujangga Night was held April 30, 2019 at Sasana Krida State University of Malang. Pujangga Night carries the theme "Quality Poets with Unlimited Works" with guest stars Genta Kiswara and Tri Prasetyo who are the editor-in-chief of Gradien Mediatama. Genta Kiswara is a writer and social expert, he has published 3 books, namely On a Word Going, Evolution of Rindu and Nelangsa. The event was enlivened by acoustic performances, Ricard Dito, Pelangi Theater, Dance Literature Griya, Poetry Literature Griya and also a bazaar.

(HMJ Indonesian Literature)
