(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id
Mahasiswa FS Penyumbang Medali Emas Pada MTQ-M Regional Jawa Timur 2018 Di Universitas Jember

FS Students Contributing Gold Medals at the 2018 East Java Regional MTQ-M at the University of Jember

Alhamdulillah Wasyukrulillah, State University of Malang (UM) won the General Champion of Student MTQ for the sixth time in a row. It was held from 11 to 13 August 2018 at the University of Jember followed by 73 universities throughout Indonesia with a total of 789 students. From 13 competitions, UM won 9 gold medals and 2 silver medals, namely:

1st Winner of the Men's Recitation
1st Winner of Men's Tartil
1st Winner of Syarhil Quran
1st Winner for Al-Quran Writing
1st Winner of Al-Quran Application Design
1st Winner MHQ 5 Juz Putra
1st Winner of Qiraat Sab'ah Putra
1st Winner of Qiraat Sab'ah Putri
1st Place in British Debate Al-Quran
2nd Winner of Arabic Al-Quran Debate
2nd Winner of MHQ 20 Juz Putra
Men's Calligraphy Finalist
Princess Calligraphy Finalist
Fahmil Quran semifinals


Rank 1 State University of Malang (UM) 51 Points

Rank 2 UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 15 points

Rank 3 IAI Syarifuddin Lumajang 12 points

Rank 4 Universitas Brawijaya 10 Points

Rank 5 UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya 9 Points

Rank 6 IAIN Jember 8 points

In particular the caravan from the FS that contributed the most medals:

? Champion of JSA?
1.ahmad fauzan (recitation)
2.abdimas ulumuddin (mtrq)
3.m.ali nahawand (mqs)
4. M.abdul hafidz (mhq 5juz)

5. Al Rizhal Tisma Wahid (mhq 20 juz)
6.Ulayya Qumil laila (msq)
7. Irma Nur Fiani (MSQ)
8. M. Rozy zamroni (mdba)
9. Amami Shofiya Al Qorin (mdba)

From English LITERATURE:
1. Admiral Fadian (mdbi)
2. Eka nurcahyaningsih (mdbi)
3. Akbar ramada (ktia)

Indonesian literature:
Mery cahyani (msq).

Hopefully in the future it will be better and more blessed.

Pembekalan dan Pelepasan 17 Mahasiswa PPL Ke Thailand

Preparation and Release of 17 PPL Students to Thailand


A total of 15 students of the Faculty of Letters and 2 students of the State University of Malang Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences were given advice in the debriefing event and the release of PPL students to Thailand by the leadership of the UM Letters Faculty. By Mrs. Utami Widiati as Dean and Mrs. Primardiana as Deputy Dean I together with the heads of departments and students to coordinate before departure to Thailand. The lecturers of the Faculty of Letters advised the students to always be careful and always uphold nature while in Thailand. And it is also hoped that they will be able to explore knowledge and experience while implementing PPL in the land of the white elephant.

UM Letters Faculty Student Team won the prize to Berlin

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The FS student team, which is a combination of German and Indonesian Literature Department students, won first place in an international video-making competition organized by the German government for high school cooperation - PASCH (Partner Schulen). This competition is a competition for PASCH alumni. In Malang itself there are 2 PASCH schools namely SMAN 1 and SMAN 5.

Students who are members of the video making team are Cloudia Putri Sekarsari, Hana Anggita, Ken Laksmi Muninggar and Rachma Meidinar Latupono. For this victory, students who are members of this team have the opportunity to come to the 10th anniversary of PASCH which will be held in Berlin in June 2018. [/ Title] [youtube id = ”” width = ”600 ″ height =” 350 ″ autoplay = "No" api_params = "" class = ""] [/ youtube] [/ one_full]

2018 FS UM Outstanding Student Nominees


No: 14.2.5 / UN32.2.3 / KM / 2018


Nominee for Student Achievement, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang in 2018


Based on the results of the Judges' Assessment for Student Achievement at the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang in 2018, 3 nominees were decided as follows:

Nominator Name NIM Department


Elmiatun Nafi'ah 150222605108 English literature
II Muhammad Abdul Hafidz 160231603232 Arabic literature



Akbar Rahmada Maulana 150222602788 English literature

Nominees are then sent to the University to participate in the selection of Outstanding Students at the University level.

Thus, this announcement is made to be used as intended.


Malang, 14 February 2018


an Dean Vice Dean III,



Dr. H. Kholisin, M.Hum

NIP 19651 209 199002 1 001

Kami Juara Umum MTQMN 2013 di Padang , 2017 ini semoga kami juara lagi.

We are the General Champion of MTQMN 2013 in Padang, 2017, hopefully we will win again.

Pada MTQ Mahasiswa Nasional 2013 di Padang, Universitas Negeri Malang yang sebagian besar diwakili oleh mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang berhasil meraih Juara Umum pada lomba tersebut. Maka dari itu UM mengusung misi besar untuk menjuarai lomba MTQ MN 2017 mengingat pada tahun ini UM dan UB menjadi tuan rumah pada acara MTQ Mahasiswa Nasional 2017. Akankah UM kembali mencatatkan prestasi pada MTQ MN tahun ini? Semoga UM berjaya.




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