Visual communication design






  1. A. Study Program Name

Visual Communication Design Study Program, Design Arts Department, FS-UM

  1. Visi dan Misi Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual

Referring to the catalog of the Department of Art and Design, that the vision of the Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, (2015: 89) is: "To become a superior university and become a reference in organizing the tridharma of higher education" and the vision of the Faculty of Letters UM, namely "To become the provider of superior higher education in the Eastern Indonesia region in 2019. In the development of educational and non-educational sciences in the fields of humanities, art, design, and religion that care about human values". The concept of vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program is formulated jointly by the Quality Assurance Group at the department / study program level, with department leaders and Visual Communication Design lecturers. Starting from the above formulation, the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang can be formulated. Furthermore, the formulation that has been produced, agreed upon, and determined, and socialized to the entire academic community of the Visual Communication Design study program to obtain responses, input, and criticism for its improvement. The final result of the vision, mission, goals and objectives in print and electronic media is a catalog of the Department of Art and Design which implies the Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, and is equipped with a JSD Website, X banner, social media, and posters.



Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang or abbreviated as DKV JSD FS-UM has a mission to be a superior study program and become a reference in the process of organizing the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi in the field of visual communication design science oriented to local culture and utilization of technology information that considers human values. In detail, the mission of the Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, is to prepare graduate students from undergraduate or undergraduate level (S-1) who meet professional needs through:

  1. Have the ability and design skills, especially in the field; graphic media, interactive media, audio visual media, or alternative media,
  2. Have superior insight and skills (skills) in the field of visual communication design oriented to the interaction between humans and objects in context local content related to technological, environmental, social, and cultural aspects,
  3. Having character and competence as a positive creative industry practitioner and agent of social, cultural and environmental change in society,
  4. Have the ability to cultivate, develop, and communicate creative concepts that will be used in the development of visual communication design work,
  5. Have the ability to prepare the final design work (final artwork) to be reproduced for the benefit of society,
  6. Have the ability to carry out formal procedures related to the system to document visual communication design projects in the creative industry,
  7. Having the ability to operate audio-visual media devices and the ability to prepare audio-visual media for platforms (video, television, internet, etc.) in the creative design industry,
  8. Have the ability to improve quality images in the form of printed and audio-visual media materials
  9. Having the ability to solve problems by prioritizing objectivity in making decisions, understanding the importance of time (discipline), and the importance of the role of others (team work),
  10. Have the ability to create jobs (entrepreneurs) and as design workers in the creative industry,
  11. Has excellence in producing research and development-based knowledge in the field of visual communication design, whether in the form of scientific works, work designs, or applied programs that have wide use

Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (DKV JSD FS-UM) in organizing the undergraduate program learning has the following objectives:

  1. To produce graduates who are intelligent, religious, have high moral character, are independent, and are able to develop professionally in the field of visual communication design,
  2. To produce superior scientific and creative work and become a reference in the field of visual communication design,
  3. Producing community service work through application in the field of visual communication design,
  4. Producing the performance of an effective and efficient visual communication design study program to ensure quality growth in the sustainable implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education.

Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, is prepared to become Human Resources who have managerial qualities that are responsive to the times and responsive to Eastern rules and norms. The main qualification is expected to have the ability to respond to environmental problems that are visualized in real work according to the specifications of the chosen communication design field. The authority of these graduates is written in detail in the Competency Standards for Graduates and Educational Outcomes. The competency standards of graduates in the Visual Communication Design Study Program, Department of Art and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, can be structured as follows:

  1. Education and learning in the field of Visual Communication Design which is centered on students using an effective learning approach and optimizing the use of technology.
  2. Research in the field of Visual Communication Design and its findings is beneficial for the development of science and the welfare of society,
  3. Community service in the field of Visual Communication Design which is oriented towards community empowerment,
  4. Management of the Visual Communication Design Study Program which is accountable and transparent to ensure continuous quality improvement.

Visual Communication Design Study Program has the SCPL formula

  1. Has the design ability to solve various problems in the form of design work
  2. Managing a visual communication design business
  3. Have mastery in solving visual communication design problems through scientific work

I    Basic Character Development Course  (MDPK)                          16 credits

II   Scientific Compulsory Subject  (MWK)                                                       121 credits

  1. 33 Sks
  2. Skill Course 88 Sks

III  Specialization and Personal Development Subject (MPPD)                    10 credits

TOTAL 147 credits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 core Inst
1 UNIV6001 Islamic education* 3 3 3 T ü
2 UNIV6002 Protestant Religious Education * 3 3 3 T ü
3 UNIV6003 Catholic Religious Education " 3 3 3 T ü
4 UNIV6004 Hindu Religious Education * 3 3 3 T ü
5 UNIV6005 Buddhist Religious Education * 3 3 3 T ü
6 UNIV6006 Konghuchu Religious Education * 3 3 3 T ü
7 UNIV6007 Pancasila Education 2 2 2 T ü
8 UNIV6008 Civic education 2 2 2 T ü
9 UNIV6009 Indonesian 2 2 2 T ü
10 UNIV6010 Innovation Management 3 3 3 T ü
10 FSAS6001 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science 2 2 2 T ü
11 FSAS6002 Humans and Indonesian Culture 2 2 2 T ü
12 DKVI6001 Communication Studies 2 2 2 T ü
13 DKVI6038 Nirmana 2 Dimensions 3 4 3 P ü
14 DKVI6039 Nirmana 3 Dimensions 3 4 3 P ü DKVI6038
15 DKVI6040 Aesthetics 2 2 2 T ü
16 DKVI6002 Design Ethics 2 2 2 T ü DKVI6040
17 DKVI6003 Sketch drawing 3 4 3 P ü
18 DKVI6004 Typography 3 4 3 P ü
19 DKVI6005 Engineering Drawing and CAD 3 4 3 P ü
20 DKVI6041 Photography 3 4 3 P ü
21 DKVI6042 Videography 3 4 3 P ü DKVI6041
22 DKVI6006 Illustration 3 4 3 P ü
23 DKVI6007 Archipelago Design Overview 2 2 2 T ü
24 DKVI6008 Western / international design overview 2 2 2 T ü
25 DKVI6009 Design Methodology 2 2 2 T ü
26 DKVI6010 Reprographic Method 3 4 3 P ü
27 DKVI6042 Capita Selecta of Nusantara Culture 2 3 2 TP ü
28 DKVI6011 Advertising Management 2 2 2 T ü
29 DKVI6012 Entrepreneurship 2 3 2 TP ü
30 DKVI6043 Research methodology 3 4 3 T ü
31 DKVI6044 Research proposal 3 4       3 T ü    
32 DKVI6013 Semiotics 2 2 2 T ü
33 DKVI6014 Language and Visual Sign Systems 4 6 4 TP ü
34 DKVI6015 Corporate Identity 4 6 4 TP ü DKVI6014
35 DKVI6016 Media and Changes 4 6 4 TP ü DKVI6015
36 DKVI6017 Product Repositioning and Positioning 4 6 4 TP ü DKVI6016
37 DKVI6018 Porto Folio 4 6 4 TP ü DKVI6017
38 DKVI6019 copywriting 3 4 3 TP ü
39 DKVI6020 Visual Merchandising 3 4 3 P ü
40 DKVI6021 Product Packaging Design 3 4 3 P ü DKVI6010
41 DKVI6022 Visual Culture 3 4 3 T ü
42 DKVI6045 Computer graphics 3 4 3 P ü
43 DKVI6023 Interactive Multi Media 3 4 3 P ü DKVI6045
44 DKVI6024 Web Design 3 4 3 P ü DKVI6046
45 DKVI6025 Video Editing 3 4 3 P ü DKVI6042
46 DKVI6026 Animations 3 4 3 P ü
47 DKVI6027 Creative Media 3 4 3 TP ü DKVI6009
48 DKVI6028 Exhibition 4 4 4 T ü
49 DKVI6029 visual branding of commercial projects 3 4 3 TP ü
50 DKVI6030 visual branding of non-commercial projects 3 4 3 TP ü
51 DKVI6031 visual branding project initiatives 4 6 4 TP ü
52 DKVI6032 Business planning 3 4 3 TP ü
53 DKVI6033 Products and Services Business 3 4     3 TP ü
54 DKVI6034 Marketing Media 4 6 4 TP ü
55 DKVI6035 Media Concept Research 3 4 3 TP ü
56 DKVI6036 Media Message Research 3 4 3 TP ü
57 DKVI6037 Audiance's Target Research 4 6 4 TP ü
58 DKVI6100 Essay 6 6 T ü
59 UPKL6090 Industrial Work Practices 4 4 P ü
60 UKKN6090 KKN 4 4 TP ü
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