(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

The development of the art world has now moved so fast. Many new art forms have been presented by art actors to enliven the art world in Indonesia. Art is indeed something that will never be timeless and eroded out by the passage of time. Art will continue to live as long as the artist is still eager to channel the turmoil of artistic inspiration and the aspirations of thinking from within himself.

One of the forms of channeling the fluctuation of talents and interests in the art field was the holding of the 24th Pelangi Theater Members Training and Education. The 24th Member Training of Pelangi Theater is a form of appreciation from the Pelangi Theater Malang-Indonesia extended family for the development of the art world and as a forum for creativity for all members of the Pelangi Theater community, especially for prospective new members and the Pelangi Theater extended family.

In this 24th Pelangi Theater Members Training and Education we carry the theme "Theater: as a vehicle for educational expression", with the process of training and inauguration of new members, there will be a lot of new talents emerging, various characters will be found, and there are many works that will continue to be born from the Pelangi Theater family as a form of proof to ourselves that we continue to produce works. works in the presence of regeneration.

The 24th Member Training of the Pelangi Theater, State University of Malang has the following objectives.

  1. Regeneration and selection of new family members for the Pelangi Theater
  2. Introducing the basics of theater arts to training participants
  3. Training participants are able to master and apply the basics of theater arts
  4. Introducing Teater Pelangi more deeply to prospective new members of the Pelangi Theater family
  5. Forming the Pelangi Theater family to become more solid.


Space Training


date: October 13, 2018

Place: E6 Drama Laboratory Building



date: 20 October 2018

Place: E6 Drama Laboratory Building



date: 27 October 2018

Place: E6 Drama Laboratory Building


Nature Training

day: Friday — Sunday

date: 16-18 November 2018

Place: Camping Ground Ledok Amprong
