Student Achievements

Congratulations RAKI Jatim 2020

GLORIA VINCENTIA RIYADI, Undergraduate Language Education Study Program Student…

MPBI Student Participation in the RIKSA BAHASA XIII Seminar at UPI

Saturday, 23 November 2019 at the University's Graduate School Auditorium…

First Winner in the Aseed English Contest at the Singaperbangsa Karawang University

Last Tuesday, November 19, one of the State University students…

Salma Al Mardhiyyah Champion in the International Essay Contest for SEA-Teacher

Last Wednesday, 13 November 2019, one of the university students…

Arabic Literature Student Participation in ICIED Nov 2019

The fourth International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIED) was held…

Silver Medal for the Participation of Rahadian Dimas et al in the IYIA WINTEX Event

World Invention Technology Expo and International Young Inventors Awards are…

The Pride of FS UM Students in Participating in the IREX Competition (2019) at UiTM Malaysia

The International Industrial Revolution 4.0 Exposition 2019 (IREx) is…

Two FS Teams Passed the 2019 Jurisdiction Semifinal

A few days ago student representatives from the Faculty of Letters, University…

M. Idris Setiawan (VISUALGO) (DKV Student) Won 1st Place in the 2019 NAFTEX Business Plan Competition

Business Plan Competition National Agritech Festival and Exhibition (NAFTEX)…

Elwin Walimatul Fara (Arabic Literature) Indonesian Delegation at AYIMUN 2019 in Malaysia

Asia Youth International Model United Nation (AYIMUN) is one of…

Salma Al Mardhiyyah's Pride in Participating in the SEAMEO SEA Teacher Project Batch VIII 2019

SEA Teacher Project or Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in…

One Gold and One Bronze at PIMNAS XXXII Bali

Students of the UM Faculty of Letters again made proud achievements, winning ...

Top 10 Best Speakers at the 2019 FIP UNNES National Education Debate Competition

The 2019 National Education Debate Competition is a level debate competition ...

Handover of the 2019 Ormawa Position

Jumat, 15 Februari 2019 bertempat di Aula AVA Gedung…

Cloudia Sekarsari Thesis Examination

Pada tanggal 18 September 2018 Cloudia Sekarsari berhasil mempertahankan…

Khibran Bagas Thesis Examination. D

Pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2018 bertempat di Ruang Studio…

Thesis Exam Nikita Maya Robiatul A.

Pada tanggal 21 September 2018 Nikita Maya Robiatul A….

Grace Rani Nurmillah Thesis Examination

Pada tanggal 19 September 2018 Grace Rani Nurmillah berhasil…

Cloudia Putri Sekarsari Thesis Examination

Pada tanggal 18 September 2018 Cloudia Putri Sekarsari berhasil…

Rizky Agil Ristantyo's Thesis Examination

Pada tanggal 10 September 2018 Rizky Agil Ristantyo berhasil…

Preparation and Release of 17 PPL Students to Thailand

Sebanyak 15 mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra dan 2 Mahasiswa FMIPA…

2018 FS UM Outstanding Student Nominees

PENGUMUMAN No: 14.2.5/UN32.2.3/KM/2018 Tentang Nominator Mahasiswa Berprestasi Fakultas Sastra…
