(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to sluggish activities in human life. This pandemic has caused everyone to work from home, study from home and various other activities that require it to be done from inside the home. Even so, the echoes of the online competitions continue to scatter. And this time, UM Arabic Literature students managed to win one of the echoes of the competition.

The student is named Abdul Wahhab. This time, he won 1st place in the Inya '(writing Arabic essay) Competition of the PSBA (Arabic Language Arts Week) organized by ITTAQO IAIN Salatiga with the theme "Making Arabic as a Spirit in a Pandemic Era". This competition is online. The title of the essay that he was carrying was "موقفنا في مقابلة فيروس كورونا" which means "Our Attitude in Facing Corona Virus". A series of PSBA (Arabic Language Arts Week) ITTAQO IAIN Salatiga events this time took place from 26 September to 11 October with 5 competitions, namely ghina '(Arabic singing) competition, khitobah (Arabic speech) competition, syi'ir aroby (poetry) competition. Arabic), taqdimul qisoh competition (telling stories in Arabic), and insya 'competition (writing essays in Arabic). On 11 October, it was finally announced that Abdul Wahhab from UM had won the 1st place in the Insya 'Competition.

It is hoped that after the presence of UM Arabic Literature students who win this, it can certainly increase the motivation to work for other students even though they are currently in a state of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This spirit can certainly serve as a valuable experience for students in preparing for various global challenges.
