ONEDAY Vol.7 2019 Department of Art and Design FS

This September the Association of Art and Design Departments, State University of Malang held the ONEDAY event which is an annual event and has been held for the seventh time, namely ONEDAY Vol. 7. ONEDAY was held in September to be precise on Wednesday, September 4 2019 at the Q3 Open Stage, State University of Malang. Involves the participation of students of the Department of Art and Design class 2018 as event performers and committee, and is intended especially for new students of the 2019 Design Art Department. At the seventh ONEDAY, it carries a different concept from previous years, because this year we raised the concept of performance.

ONEDAY this year is packaged in the form of a show and with the theme 'HOMPIMPA'. Whereas in the previous year, ONEDAY conceptualized an exhibition which was carried out by students of the Art Design Department. The event was opened with remarks given by the supervisor and the Chairperson of the Design Arts Department Student Association, not forgetting remarks by the Head of the ONEDAY event. This was followed by several appearances from performers from within the State University of Malang. This event was also enlivened by the presence of various booths from inside and outside the State University of Malang.

At ONEDAY this year, although it is different from the previous year, the enthusiasm of new students is very high. At the peak of the ONEDAY event this time, there was a performance by the 2018 class of Design Art Students with the theme 'HOMPIMPA', which means that Hompimpa is something that is done before playing a game (especially in traditional Indonesian games), likened to a form of welcoming new students before they enter the world of lectures. At the end of the event, there were musical performances from music groups from within the State University of Malang.

In the end, the purpose of the event, which was aimed at welcoming new students and welcoming Indonesian traditions to the show, was well achieved. So that later on, students of the Art and Design Department will be able to become part of a creative, innovative, and never miss Indonesian tradition.


Overall, the ONEDAY program went well and was a success. There were no significant obstacles during the event. The enthusiasm of the State University of Malang students and the people of Malang at the event was very good. This is proven by the large number of visitors and parties involved in the ONEDAY vol. 7 this year.
