(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

On Monday, August 5, 2019, the 2019 XIII IMBSJI Congress National Seminar was held with the theme "The Role of German Language and Literature in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0". The National Seminar which was held as one of a series of events in the 2019 XIII IMBSJI Congress was filled by two main speakers, namely Mrs. Dr.phil. Dian Ekawati, MA, as a lecturer in German literature (UNPAD), who delivered her written work entitled "German in the Digital Career Era" and Mr. Dadan Hamdani as the head of IGBJI for the West Java region who delivered her written work entitled "Learning German with Digital Media. in a Didactic Perspective ”. Apart from the two main presenters, after going through a rigorous selection process, in this seminar the three best presenter teams had the opportunity to present their scientific papers in front of National Seminar participants, delegates of the 2019 IMBSJI Congress, the jury, lecturers of German Language and Literature at Padjajaran University. , as well as invited guests who attended.

The three speakers consisted of three groups from three different universities that have joined the membership of the All-Indonesian German Language and Literature Student Association (IMBSJI). The three universities include Padjajaran University with a scientific paper entitled "Alternative to Learning German through Youtube channel 'Learn German with Film '”, Yogyakarta State University with a scientific paper entitled "The 'Gule Grogol' Application(Guiding, Learning, German through Folklore) as Learning German through Folklore ", and the last one is from the State University of Malang with a scientific paper entitled" Analysis of German Language Levels in Video Content "Summer Program ' on the Canal Youtube 'Learn German with Jenny' ".

The scientific work was written with reference to the second sub-theme in the National Seminar, namely, German Language and Technology for the Education Sector. The writing of this paper is also motivated by the increasing use of based learning media on line as a form of utilizing technological progress in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is being intensively discussed by the world community. Even though scientific work has not been able to get first place, the opportunity to become a speaker and give a presentation at a National Seminar has become a valuable experience and a special pride for Ajeng Vantika, Alikhatul Khoiroh, Galilia Omni Ovi Damayanti, and Novia Ning Ristya, a student of class 2018, German Literature, State University of Malang, which is part of the scientific work group of the 2019 National Seminar of the IMBSJI Congress.

