(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

Arts and Tuesday March 25-26 2019 at the Local Building E Faculty of Letters UM which was carried out by the Art and Design Department Student Association held a work program called "Pasaran". Pasaran is the first work program held by the 2019 Art and Design Department Student Association. This Work Program is carried out at E8 Locale which is generally a lecture building for Art and Design Students. This work program is implemented for 2 days with the aim of optimizing the students of the Art and Design Department for entrepreneurship.

On the first day the event went well. On the first day, they presented the Worksop "Painting Jackets" and "Tie Dye", whose speakers were Art and Design Department Students themselves. On the first day of this event, Art and Design Department students gain new knowledge about the right composition for painting on jackets. Not only that, Art and Design Department students also got new knowledge about how to get the right pattern composition to make a "Tie Dye". The bazaar itself experienced a bit of chaos due to the unfavorable weather. As a result, the place of the bazaar which was originally located in E8 Local Park moved to the Lower Hall of E8 Building.

On the second day the event went well. However, on the second day when "Live Screen Printing" did not run due to lack of preparation for the Live Screen Printing, Akustikan continued smoothly where the participants were Art and Design Department students themselves. On the second day the bazaar was opened in the lower hall of E8 Building due to the less favorable weather for the bazaar to be opened in E8 Local Park.

Overall, the Pasaran event on the first and second day went well and was successful. There were no significant obstacles during the event. The enthusiasm of students of the Art and Design Department is very good. This is proven by the smooth running of the event and the relationship between students of the Art and Design Department.
