(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

In order to produce students who are superior and have noble character, and carry out the tri dharma of higher education, it is necessary to hold spiritual development activities. One of the activities to develop students' potential is the National Al-Qur'an Seminar. Through the activities of the National Al-Qur'an Seminar, students are expected to increase their devotion to God Almighty and increase their understanding and appreciation of the contents of the Qur'an.

The Al-Qur'an Seminar (19/10/2019) is intended as an initial step and early preparation to develop the self-potential of UM students in the field of the Qur'an. The Al-Qur'an National Seminar is a means of preparing students for the 2019 Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) XV State University of Malang (UM).

The series of Al-Qur'an Seminar 2019 events will be carried out with cooperation between various parties, both internal and external. We hope that this proposal can provide an overview of these activities and hopefully this activity can be carried out well. Matters that have not been included in this proposal will be reviewed. May Allah SWT bless the small steps to ground the Qur'an in this beloved campus. Aamiin.

1. Scan of Certificate 1

2. Scan the Certificate 2

1. LPJ 2019 National Al-Quran Seminar
