Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2012 dated May 7, 2012 concerning OTK of State University of Malang, FS has several elements, namely a body of consideration and supervision, leadership, academic executor, academic support, administrative implementer, and student elements. These elements have the duties and authorities in accordance with the applicable regulations.

The FS Senate is a body of consideration and supervision in the FS environment that is tasked with providing consideration and supervision to the Dean in academic implementation within the Faculty of Letters. In carrying out its duties, the Senate of the Faculty of Letters forms 4 (four) commissions consisting of:

  1. Commission I: Program Development,
  2. Commission II: Human Resources and Support Facilities,
  3. Commission III: Monitoring and Evaluation, and
  4. Commission IV: Consideration for Lecturer Promotion.

The leadership consists of the Dean and three Deputy Deans. The Dean has the task of leading the implementation of education, research, community service, and FS administration as well as fostering educational staff, students, and administrative staff.
The dean is responsible to the chancellor and in carrying out his daily activities the dean is assisted by three Deputy Deans (WD), namely

  1. Vice Dean I assists the dean in leading the implementation of activities in the fields of education, research, and community service, cooperation, information systems, and planning;
  2. Deputy Dean II is tasked with assisting the dean in leading the implementation of activities in the fields of general administration, finance, personnel, and facilities and infrastructure; and
  3. The Vice Dean III is in charge of assisting the dean in leading the implementation of student and alumni activities.

The academic executor consists of departments, study programs, and functional groups of lecturers. The Department / Study Program is tasked with implementing education and teaching, research, and community service in accordance with the fields of science relevant to the department / study program. The Functional Group for Educators (Lecturers) is a group of professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology, and / or arts through education, research, and community service which is responsible to the Dean through the Head of the Department. The teaching staff is tasked with conducting education and teaching, research, and community service in accordance with their field of knowledge, as well as providing guidance to students in the learning process. Academic support for FS consists of laboratories, studios, workshops, workshops, self-access centers (SAC), libraries, quality assurance units, and language and culture centers.
