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At the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang, there are several Indonesian Language programs for Foreign Speakers (BIPA). This program aims to improve cooperative relations between universities in Indonesia and universities abroad. One of the cooperation programs at the UM Faculty of Letters is student exchange with GuangXi Normal University (GXNU), China. This program is named the GuangXi Normal University 3 + 1 Program which was held for the first time in 2018.

This year, the cooperation program continues. The two universities each send 6 students to study languages. The Faculty of Letters sent 6 students to study Mandarin to GXNU, while GXNU also sent 6 students to study Indonesian. The Faculty of Letters involves two departments to collaborate with each other in managing this program, namely the Indonesian Literature Department and the German Literature Department, which includes a Mandarin Language Study Program.

On Tuesday, 17 September 2019, there was a welcoming event for students of the GuangXi Normal University 3 + 1 Program at the Faculty of Letters. The event was attended by the Dean of the FS, Deputy Dean I of the FS, Chair and Secretary of the Department of Indonesian Literature, Chair and Secretary of the Department of German Literature, Koorprodi Mandarin Language, Director of HI, program coordinators, teaching lecturers, and tutors. 6 GXNU students came to Indonesia accompanied by 1 lecturer.

The event was opened with remarks from the Dean of the FS, Prof. Utami Widiati, M.Pd. He congratulated and motivated all students to study seriously, so that they can master Indonesian quickly. In addition, he also hopes that the cooperation between these universities can continue and get better from year to year. In line with this, the Head of the Indonesian Literature Department, Dr. Roekhan, M.Pd. also hopes that students will soon be able to adapt to conditions in Indonesia, because this program will last quite a long time, namely for one year.

Program coordinator, Ariva Luciandika, M.Pd. also convey brief information related to the technical implementation of learning. Students will receive teaching on the rules of Indonesian language and Indonesian culture which will be packaged in various activities, both inside and outside the classroom. The accompanying lecturer from GXNU then introduced 6 students who were going to learn Indonesian, namely Cen Zirong, Li Caiyue, Li Qingwen, Qin Yuan, Weng Biansi, and Xie Zhiyin.

The event was closed with remarks from the Director of HI, namely Evi Eliyanah, SS, MA. He said that students do not need to worry if they experience problems or obstacles while in Indonesia. There will be many 'doors' for them, in other words there will be many parties to help with any obstacles they might face. At the end of his speech, Director Hi revealed that "We may have different languages and cultures, but by applying the concept of cross-cultural understanding, we will understand each other, and in the end the world will be full of peace". (Ariva Luciandika)
