(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM. Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings. Good morning / afternoon / evening / night.

We love all the big families of the Faculty of Letters (FS), State University of Malang (UM).

When this article arrives to the big family of FS UM, we pray that everyone will always receive the blessings of Allah SWT, the Almighty God in the form of favors of safety, health, security, and blessings in carrying out every daily activity.

Since the middle of March 2020, the outbreak Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19, or what is popularly known as Corona Virus) has changed many facets and aspects of life, as well as our plans. In living our daily lives, we need to be more vigilant, careful and follow the health protocols established by the Government. The increase in the number of cases of community members infected with COVID-19 presents a challenge so that we take responsibility in preventing and overcoming the spread of COVID-19, according to our respective roles and capacities. In a situation like this, we hope that the FS UM family will not panic and lose hope, remain enthusiastic, remain optimistic and think positive that soon the situation will return to normal as before.

In a situation like this, our top priority is to keep ourselves and family members healthy. However, we must also care about the health of the surrounding community. One form of our efforts to help the Government limit and break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 is by studying from home (SfH) and / or work from home (WfH), in which the big family of FS UM is urged to carry out their duties online (online ), either through UM's Learning Management System (SIPEJAR), or through other online media platforms.

FS has also taken various actions to break the chain of the spread of COVID19, including: preparing places for washing hands, providing hand sanitizers at strategic points, spraying disinfectants in rooms and buildings, policies campus lockdown with the implementation of online lectures, guidance and final project exams. This action is expected to contribute in ensuring that COVID19 does not spread and spread in the campus environment.

We realize that the current situation can trigger panic, cause mental fatigue, and financial contraction - if we are not able to manage finances properly. We need to underline that the SfH and WfH policies in the academic and non-academic fields of studying and working at home are currently the main concern, because these activities previously depended heavily on direct social interaction. Another consequence that must be borne by the FS UM members, both lecturers, educational staff, and students, is the availability of internet access to participate in online lectures, online administrative services, online guidance and final assignments, - which of course feels more troublesome for certain parties. rather than face to face.

Studying and working from home fully and simultaneously is definitely a relatively new thing for all of us. Of course, we need a period of adaptation to find the most suitable learning and working model or pattern for various needs and demands. Therefore, let's support each other so that everything runs smoothly, and the learning targets and performance goals are achieved.

Our beloved FS UM extended family.

We realize that most of the students have reunited with their families, but that doesn't mean the difficulties have ended. A number of students face the challenge of having no signal or limited funds to buy internet data packages. Students who stay in a boarding house / boarding house / the like are faced with situations that are no less complicated: a quiet living environment, difficulties in fulfilling basic daily needs, and challenges in staying healthy. Therefore, we advise students who are still living in Malang City to continue to communicate regularly with family, friends, and academic advisors to support and strengthen each other morally so that they remain strong and resilient through the global pandemic period (COVID-19). .

Facing the current health and humanitarian crisis, in addition to building social solidarity, let us not stop cultivating a spiritual-religious spirit by continuing to increase the quantity and quality of worship, asking for the help of Allah SWT, the most gracious God, so that the Indonesian people will be immediately saved and freed from the test. this very heavy. We are trying to contribute by raising humanitarian funds so that we can help others through the “one door” mechanism which is coordinated by the UM COVID-19 Task Force. We should continue to greet people in our environment, strengthen each other, think positively, and not upload hoaxes (lies) which have an impact on increasing psychological pressure, causing social panic.

Last but not least, let's encourage each other not to give up hope. Behind the difficulties, of course, will come a lot of convenience and help. "Inna ma'al 'usri yusro" (In fact, difficulties are always accompanied by conveniences), says God in QS al-Insyirah: 5. Soon, God willing, we will be back to campus (back to campus), back active in lecture halls and laboratories, researching, organizing academic forums, and carrying out organizational activities. We must continue to live up to our hopes and positive thoughts for a bright future. We must take the initiative to protect each other, strengthen each other, and help each other through times of crisis. When we meet later, God willing, we will be stronger, wiser and more noble.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Malang, 2 April 2020 Head of the Faculty of Letters
