(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

On September 18 2018 Cloudia Putri Sekarsari successfully defended her thesis entitled:

Application of the Story Pyramid Reading Strategy in the Deutsche Literature Subject German Language Education Study Program, State University of Malang

with Dr. Thesis Advisor. Primardiana H. Wijayati, M.Pd and the examiners are Dr. Edy Hidayat, M.Hum., Lilis Afifah, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Dr. Primardiana H. Wijayati, M.Pd.

"During this thesis session, I felt tense at the beginning of entering the exam room, but after I made a presentation the tension gradually subsided. During this thesis trial exam, I felt happy because the examiners gave me very constructive input regarding qualitative research and helped me to fix the deficiencies in my thesis. I say many thanks to Dr. Edy Hidayat, M.Hum., Lilis Afifah, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Dr. Primardiana H. Wijayati, M.Pd, who has reviewed my thesis and made it better, ”he said.
