(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

The 2019 National Agritech Festival and Exhibition (NAFTEX) Business Plan Competition takes place at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya which is an annual event and for this year it will be held on September 20-22 2019.

1st Winner - Visual Go from State University of Malang
2nd Winner - Plastic Ranger from Gajah Mada University
3rd Winner - Bakso Kanus from Jakarta State Polytechnic
Best Poster - Oryza Squad from Brawijaya University
Best Presentation - Mustika Raya from Gajah Mada University

Here's the Visual Go Profile

Digital-Based Business Services (E business) & online platform for competent experts in the field of Visual Communication Design while at the same time carrying out the social mission of the concept of financing for the visualization of SUPERIOR LOCAL INDUSTRIAL CENTER branding which is profitable and noble, as well as impacting the surrounding community, for now it has collaborated with the department industry in the city of Malang related to the SMEs to be assisted.

Our services are fast, and VisualGo continues to learn to grow from experience to help the government's mission in accelerating the realization of the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. VisualGo has a business mechanism that uses an industry 4.0 approach, especially in the development of e-business, big data and multi-networking. -sub sector of the creative economy which is equipped with a useful mission for the community.

Eastern Indonesia region is our main market target, with the strength of superior services including; Visual Aerial Inspection Project, Visual Documentation Project, Creative Multimedia Project, Visual Industrial Package, Project Planning & Design. With the support of digital platforms that are being developed, good management and potential experts. VisualGo has been trusted by several companies on a national and multinational scale because it has provided creative thinking or products that are right and within budget.
