(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

Last Tuesday, November 19, one of the Malang State University (UM) students, Salma Al Mardhiyyah, participated in the ENGLISH CONTEST ASEED competition organized by the Singaperbangsa Karawang University. The competition that Salma participated in was an essay on a national scale, where all participants from universities throughout Indonesia could submit scientific essays based on the themes listed individually. Salma wrote an essay entitled Ed-Tech Revolution: Utilizing Digital Platforms to Bridge Learning and Teaching with Technology which won 48 points and was declared the first winner in this competition on November 22, 2019. Salma admitted that he was very happy to be able to contribute to the State University of Malang in the event. this. According to Salma, it is important for students to be aware of their respective interests and talents which can be used to always make the university alma mater proud. Salma hopes that fellow students can continue to uphold the name of the State University of Malang, not only through national but also international events.
