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Khidmah Mujtamaiyah Lil Ummah (HAMAMAH) 2019 HMJ Sastra Arab Berlokasi di Desa Jabung Kabupaten Malang

Khidmah Mujtamaiyah Lil Ummah (HAMAMAH) 2019 Arabic Literature HMJ Located in Jabung Village, Malang Regency

Malang, 29 April 2019, the Arabic Literature Department Student Association, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang held a social service activity that was familiar to JSA students, they called it HAMAMAH which stands for Khidmah Mujtamaiyah Lil Ummah, this event is an annual event held. by HMJ UM Arabic Literature, which this event was handled directly by Arabic Literature students of FS UM Batch 2018 but still under the auspices of HMJ.

The event was packed with interesting things, so that many people participated in the event. This HAMAMAH is held in Jabung Village, Malang Regency, where the majority of the community are farmers and milk extortionists, so it is important that there is student intervention taking part in it, because the community does not need discourse, but real action.

This HAMAMAH was greeted with great fanfare from the community, both from education or from the health assistance that was provided, so that many of them were happy with the existence of this 2019 HAMAMAH. This event took place from 27-29 April 2019, and was closed with a grand recitation that had been prepared by the committee which involved the community there.

None other than the purpose of this event, namely to maintain friendship between students and the community so that with this event students can find out about social life, and later when they enter the community they will not be surprised anymore.

(Efi Nur Fitriyanti, HMJ JSA 2019)
HMJ Sedesa Menyelenggarakan Abnormal Project Annual (ALPA) 2019

HMJ Sedesa Holds Abnormal Project Annual (ALPA) 2019

April 2019, the Student Association of the Department of Art and Design (HMJ Sedesa), State University of Malang held several events, one of which was ALPA, namely the Abnormal Project Annual. ALPA is an annual event organized by the Association of Art and Design Departments. The ALPA was held in April to be precise on Saturday, April 6 2019 at the D9 Park, State University of Malang. This year, ALPA has been held for the fourth time. Involving the participation of Art and Design Department students from class 2017 to class 2018 as performers and committee members. In this fourth Alpha, the new concept of ALPA has been held before.

This year's ALPA features art and design exhibitions, but with a different packaging from the previous ALPA. At the exhibition of art and design at ALPA this year, the focus is on the work of art students and designs themselves in order to increase the creative creativity of students and also become a forum for academic creations so that the work of students majoring in Art and Design, the Faculty of Letters becomes more accommodated and published, so that The achievements of Art and Design students at State University of Malang are increasingly echoing in society.

This year's ALPA not only holds exhibitions but also displays various types of performing arts, both music and dance, created by Art and Design students. Overall the exhibition works with the theme "PETAK UMPAT" become a forum for students majoring in Art and Design to express and express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings about the appearance of Indonesia that is welcoming this democratic party. Also, it becomes a forum for audiences, especially students, to be more sensitive and understand their role in people's lives by expressing themselves through appreciation of art and design in the 2019 Annual Project Abnormal Project (ALPA) art and design exhibition.


Overall the ALPA event went well and was a success. There were no significant obstacles during the event. The enthusiasm of the State University of Malang students and the people of Malang at the ALPA event was very good. This is evidenced by the large number of visitors who come to see the exhibition and see the performances presented. The event was closed with a final musical performance.

(Wira HMJ Sedesa 2019)

Mahasiswa Sastra Arab Meraih Juara II pada Festival Basmala 2019 dengan Tema “Bring Back Islamic Culture” di Universitas Bakrie

Arabic Literature Students Won Second Place at the 2019 Basmala Festival with the theme "Bring Back Islamic Culture" at Bakrie University

Basmala Bakrie University is a student activity unit (UKMa) of Bakrie University which is based on Islam and is based on the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Basmala Universitas Bakrie, which was later abbreviated as Basmala UB, is a brotherhood that always tries to create and maintain the spirit of Islamic brotherhood in every activity and aims to realize the syiar of Islam by preaching both internally and externally to the Muslim community of Bakrie University.

The Basmala Festival 2019 is a Tahfidz and Essay competition activity. In this event, there are also a series of activities in the form of the Grand Study, the Basmala Islamic Fair (BIF) and the Basmala Quran Sharing Festival which will be held in the month of Ramadan. The 2019 Basmala Festival has a theme "Bring Back Islamic Culture". Departing from this theme, it is hoped that it can create and organize creative activities but still in accordance with the Islamic cultural law itself.


Activity Theme: "Bring Back Islamic Culture"
Activity Objectives: National level High School Students and Students.
Time and Place of Activity: Day: Saturday - Sunday, Date: April 20-21 2019, Place: Bakrie University, Jakarta

The series of activities for the 2019 Basmala Festival on April 20, 2019 began with the opening of the Tahfidz competition which consisted of the first category with 3 juz of Al-Qur'an memorization and the second category with 5 juz of Al-Qur'an memorization. On the second day, namely Sunday, April 21, 2019, an Essay competition was held which consisted of two categories, namely the High School and University Student categories throughout Indonesia, participants who had passed the initial selection stage made presentations on the works they had previously made.

In the 2019 Basmala Festival essay competition, State University of Malang, represented by Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, won second place.


(Abdul Wahhab)

English Department Art Collaboration 65th

English Department Art Collaboration 65th

EDA 65th This is an opportunity for us to show our gratitude for the grace and grace of God Almighty where English literature is still given the opportunity to show its existence in working for the advancement of the nation's children. We realize that gratitude through the EDA 65 activityth which will include a series of events and a highlight evening. Futsal Competition andOn line Competition consisting of poetry writing, Short Story andDrawing fanartwhich the final result will be showcased in the D7 building as well photo contest for students majoring in English literature and Blood Donation (blood donation) for the general public. Activities English Department Art Collaboration 65thThis was held with the following objectives: Increase gratitude for all the blessings of God Almighty, Forming a competent, creative, innovative and scientific spirit in real work and as a forum for channeling student talents, interests and creativity. The theme of English Department Art Collaboration 65th is Atlantis. Atlantis itself has the intention to unite the citizens of English Literature and explore the talents and interests of the citizens of English Literature by involving all citizens of English Literature in the entire series of events English Department Art Collaboration 65th. Form and Implementation of Activities: Drawing competition, short story, poetry (online) on March 10 - April 4 2019, Futsal Competition on Saturday-Sunday, March 30, 31 2019 at SM FUTSAL, Blood Donation Wednesday, April 4 2018 at local D, Bazaar and Photo Contest at Local D on April 9-11 2019, Legato Night (Peak Night) on Friday, April 26 2019 at the cultural gym.


NGOPI (Ngobrol Pintar Islami) 2019

NGOPI (Islamic Smart Chat) 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019, the 2019 NGOPI (Islamic Smart Chat) event was held, which was held by HMJ German Literature and attended by 19 people, most of whom were German Literature students. This event was held in D7.304 Building, Faculty of Letters. This program is entitled The Power of a Prayer "Pray to me, I will allow it for you. Indeed, those who are proud of worshiping Me will go to Hell in a humiliating state (QS. Ghafir: 60) ”. This event is held in the form of discussion and accompanied by questions and answers.

The event was opened with a recitation of the Qur'an read by students of the German Literature Department. Furthermore, after reading the recitation of the Qur'an, it was immediately followed by a discussion forum delivered by M. Alifudin Ikhsan .S.Pd. the event was carried out solemnly and calmly by the invited guests. After the delivery of the material was finished, the event was immediately opened with a question and answer session. After the question and answer session was over, the event was closed Prayer, which was led directly by the speaker.

At 17.00 the Collaboration Performance ended. The committee from HMJ German Literature UM hopes that the invited guests can take lessons through the forum discussion that has been delivered, and can be put into practice as well. In addition, the committee also hopes that for the next event and in the future it can provide better and more maximal work results.

HMJ German Literature 2019

Pentas Kolaborasi 2019

2019 Collaboration Performance

Friday, April 5, 2019 there was a 2019 Collaboration Performance event organized by HMJ German Literature and attended by 41 people, most of whom were German Literature students. This event was held at the Lab. Drama E6 Faculty of Letters. This event carries the theme of Nusantara with the title Topeng Wangi "Wangi-wangiku Membalut Abu Lumut". This event was held in the form of a collaboration involving German Literature students and the participation of Liebe Chor (LC), Liebe Melodie (LB), Schwänetanz, and Theater Über which included in the extracurricular activities of the German Literature Department.

The event was opened with gamelan music which was greeted enthusiastically by the audience. Furthermore, it is continued with traditional dance and after the dancer has finished performing the dance the event is continued with drama. This drama is accompanied by gamelan and pop music. Occasionally the players also sing Javanese songs. This drama carries a story that is both humorous and horror. The audience was successfully carried away by the atmosphere because of the chanting of gamelan and pop music to accompany the drama.

At 08.40 the Collaboration Performance ended. The committee from HMJ German Literature UM hopes that the audience will be satisfied and can take lessons through the drama that has been shown. In addition, the committee also hopes that for the next event and in the future it can provide better and more maximal work results.

HMJ German Literature 2019
