(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id
Mahasiswa FS UM Mengikuti Kemah Budaya Kaum Muda 2019 Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan di Prambanan

FS UM Students Join the 2019 Youth Culture Camp of the Directorate General of Culture in Prambanan

The Youth Culture Camp (KBKM) was held on July 21-25 2019 at the Prambanan Camping Ground, Klaten, Central Java. The Youth Cultural Camp is a cultural work platform that brings together young people between the ages of 18-28 years to answer various challenges of cultural advancement by utilizing a wealth of insights in the fields of STEAM and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. First, as an incubator space for innovation in the advancement of culture, the KBKM accommodates youth initiatives to create prototypes or activation of social initiatives that can solve certain challenges and problems in the field of cultural advancement. Second, as a collaborative coworking space, KBKM provides a shared space for young people from various skill backgrounds (STEAM) and regions to interact and work together for the advancement of culture. Third, as a space for the facilitation of pilot businesses in the field of cultural advancement, the KBKM accommodates a meeting between cultural prototyping initiatives or activation of social initiatives and funding sources (government and private) so as to activate these initiatives into long-term projects with broad impacts.

In one group there are 3-5 people who register one of the four prototype categories. The first prototype is an application prototype. Application prototypes are prototypes in the form of digital applications and have the aim of advancing culture. The second is a physical prototype. Physical prototypes are prototypes in physical form and have the aim of advancing culture. The third is activity activation. Activation activities are activities that involve the community in efforts to promote culture. The fourth is study activation. Study activation is a data collection and study activity that involves the community in efforts to promote culture.

There were 3,050 participants who registered in 735 groups divided into four prototype categories. Application prototypes for 136 applicant groups, physical prototypes for 53 registrant groups, activation for the study of 107 registrants, and activation for activities for 439 registrants. The groups were then further selected to consider the best ideas which could later be further developed and facilitated at the Prambanan Temple Camping Ground for five days. There were 561 participants in 133 selected groups in the final selection of KBKM, namely 46 application prototypes, 31 physical prototypes, 25 study activations, and 31 activity activations. 133 groups are dispatched and then given directions for developing their creative ideas through facilitators qualified for the three-day judging process (23-25 July).

Annisa Fitria Nuril Faradise (180221607008)

Haidir Algi GF (180221607091)

Roza Damayanti Almasus Putri (180221600122)

Sofia Ari Murti (170221607027)

Top 10 Pembicara Terbaik pada Lomba Debat Nasional Pendidikan 2019 FIP UNNES

Top 10 Best Speakers at the 2019 FIP UNNES National Education Debate Competition

The 2019 National Education Debate Competition is a national level debate competition attended by more than 16 finalists who are students from various universities throughout Indonesia, starting from Tanjungpura University, Pattimura University, Atma Jogja University, to Padjajaran University. This competition was held in the Main Hall of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, State University of Semarang.

During the two days of activity, there were four rounds; preliminary round, quarter final round, semi final round, and grand final round. There are three rounds in the preliminary round. Round 1 of our team (UM1) against UNS with a motion "This council believes that the national education system should be focused on developing the potential interests and talents of children from an early age". The UM1 team succeeded in winning round 1. Round 2 of the UM1 team against UB with the motion "This council supports the improvement of practice for profit education in higher education systems in developing countries ”. The UM1 team won round 2. Round 3 the UM1 team against IPB with the motion "The council believes that the government imposes the student loan must exempt all loan dependents borrowed by students or students who experience long-term unemployment after graduating from the educational institution ”. In round 3, the IPB team won. From the total wins as well as the score we got, we succeeded advanced to the quarterfinal and was in fourth position. In this quarterfinal, the eight teams with the highest scores were taken. In the quarter final, our team (UM1) fought UNNES1 with a motion "this council believes that English should be the only language of instruction for science, social studies, and mathematics in developing countries". This round was won by the UNNES1 team so that our team could not qualify for the semi-finals and grandfinal. At the end of the competition the best speaker was announced and I was awarded the title TOP 10 BEST VOICE.

(Nur Zila Wati, NIM: 170221607017)

Mahasiswa Sastra Arab Meraih Juara II pada Festival Basmala 2019 dengan Tema “Bring Back Islamic Culture” di Universitas Bakrie

Arabic Literature Students Won Second Place at the 2019 Basmala Festival with the theme "Bring Back Islamic Culture" at Bakrie University

Basmala Bakrie University is a student activity unit (UKMa) of Bakrie University which is based on Islam and is based on the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Basmala Universitas Bakrie, which was later abbreviated as Basmala UB, is a brotherhood that always tries to create and maintain the spirit of Islamic brotherhood in every activity and aims to realize the syiar of Islam by preaching both internally and externally to the Muslim community of Bakrie University.

The Basmala Festival 2019 is a Tahfidz and Essay competition activity. In this event, there are also a series of activities in the form of the Grand Study, the Basmala Islamic Fair (BIF) and the Basmala Quran Sharing Festival which will be held in the month of Ramadan. The 2019 Basmala Festival has a theme "Bring Back Islamic Culture". Departing from this theme, it is hoped that it can create and organize creative activities but still in accordance with the Islamic cultural law itself.


Activity Theme: "Bring Back Islamic Culture"
Activity Objectives: National level High School Students and Students.
Time and Place of Activity: Day: Saturday - Sunday, Date: April 20-21 2019, Place: Bakrie University, Jakarta

The series of activities for the 2019 Basmala Festival on April 20, 2019 began with the opening of the Tahfidz competition which consisted of the first category with 3 juz of Al-Qur'an memorization and the second category with 5 juz of Al-Qur'an memorization. On the second day, namely Sunday, April 21, 2019, an Essay competition was held which consisted of two categories, namely the High School and University Student categories throughout Indonesia, participants who had passed the initial selection stage made presentations on the works they had previously made.

In the 2019 Basmala Festival essay competition, State University of Malang, represented by Abdul Wahhab, a student of the Department of Arabic Literature, State University of Malang, won second place.


(Abdul Wahhab)

Mengikuti Lomba News Casting Annual SAEED National Competition

Following the Annual SAEED National Competition News Casting Competition

Contest news casting The Annual SAEED National Competition that I participated in was held on Saturday, March 30 2019 at Campus 2 of the Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung. This national competition is held for high school students and students from all over Indonesia by the English Department Student Association (SAEED) Tarbiyah Faculty, UIN Gunung Djati Bandung. This competition consists of competitions speech, news casting, story telling, debate, spelling bee, scrabble and paper presentation.

Contest news casting itself consists of 15 student participants and 8 participants from high school students and there are two rounds that are contested in the competition news casting this, namely the preliminary and final round. For students, the preliminary round is to deliver news in English and live broadcast, while the final round, five participants present one talk show which is packaged as well as possible by each participant.

Meanwhile, the winner of the news casting competition was taken by two winners with the first winner being Fadiatus Salamah from the University of Education of Indonesia and the second winner was Roaini Shauna from Universitas Brawijaya. Winners get a trophy and cash that has been provided by the committee.










Photo 1 = (from left) Bening (3rd place); Alfath (hope 1); Shauna (2nd place); Fadia (1st place); Diamond (hope 2)












Photo 2 = Dewi Intan Maghfiroh Putri Walasari while presenting a live broadcast in the preliminary round










Photo 3 = Certificate of finalist


Written by:

Dewi Intan Maghfiroh Putri Walasari

English Education Undergraduate Study Program Class of 2017

Lomba Aku Untuk Indonesiaku (AUI)

My Competition For My Indonesia (AUI)

Surabaya, Jumat-Minggu, 22-24 Maret 2019 mahasiswa perwakilan Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang mengikuti lomba debat bahasa Inggris di Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya. Lomba tahunan ini dinamai dengan Aku Untuk Indonesiaku (AUI) yang mana lomba ini sudah dapat dikategorikan sebagai salah satu lomba yang bergengsi. Hal ini tentu tidak beralasan, di dalam acara ini sudah hal biasa jika universitas yang dianggap memiliki kredibilitas dalam berdebat atau biasa dikenal dengan power house ikut berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Dalam hal ini perguruan tinggi yang dianggap sebagai power house adalah ITB, UI, UGM yang ketigannya mengirimkan perwakilan dalam acara ini. Terlebih, juri inti yang bertugas menjalankan lomba juga berasal dari debater yang memiliki pengalaman berdebat maupun menjuri yang mumpuni.

Mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra yang berkesempatan untuk berpartisipasi di dalam acara itu adalah Faris Yusron M dan Tamima Rubbama F yang tergabung di dalam tim A serta Abdul Halim dan Roza Damayanti sebagai tim B. Seluruh mahasiswa yang berasal dari jurusan Sastra Inggris ini tergabung dalam komunitas Valiant (komunitas debat bahasa Inggris) yang aktif bergerak di bidang debat dalam bahasa Inggris.

Sayangnya hasil yang di dapat tidak terlalu memuaskan di mana tim A yang hanya mampu bertanding hingga babak quarterfinal sementara tim B tidak dapat melewati babak penyisihan. Adapun tahapan lomba yang harus dilewati adalah babak penyisihan, quarterfinal, semi final, and grand final yang pada saat itu ada 3 tim dari UGM dan 1 tim dari ITB yang berlaga di babak final. Meskipun demikian, dapat berpartisipasi dan bisa lolos hingga babak quarterfinal merupakan pengalaman berharga yang tidak dapat didapat dari manapun, dapat berkesempatan untuk melawan power house juga merupakan hal yang tidak ternilai. Semoga dengan pengalaman ini dapat menyebarkan pengalaman mereka kepada anggota Valiant yang lain dan kedepannya akan dapat meraih pencapaian yang lebih memuaskan.



Tim A : Tamima Rubbama F dan Faris Yusron M

Tim B: Roza Damayanti dan Abdul Halim
