(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

To welcome the 2016 freshmen majoring in Indonesian Literature, the academic community of the Indonesian Literature department is presenting a special dish which is planned to be held from 13.00 to midnight at the parking area of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. The event itself was traditional, relaxed and academic. Lecturers of the Indonesian Literature Department will also enliven the series of events, music events will be enlivened by RAS Band The personnel of which are Indonesian Literature lecturers, also enliven the Serem Band House, and do not miss the Poetry Music that will be performed by Leo & Prends and also "Garapan Tradisi" Gatra UM. Apart from music events, a series of events JSI Lecturer and Student Innovative Work Holds The event also held an exhibition and the works of JSI Lecturers and Students which consisted of the Launch of a Collection of Lestari Short Stories by Dahlia et al (JSI student class of 2014), Novel launch "The Tragedy of Love in Tlatah Kediri" the work of Dr. Sunoto (Indonesian Literature Lecturer), Launching SUAR Magazine, Indonesian Literature Department, as well as geguritan surgery "Urubing Sense of Uruping Basis" with Prof. Dr. Imam Suyitno, M.Pd (Lecturer in Indonesian Literature). Dr. Djoko Saryono will also contribute deep votes Cultural Oration. Not wanting to be outdone by the lecturers, the students also presented a number of works in the form of the Drama 13 package by the Pelangi Theater, 2014 student Poetry Theatericalization, and also Griya Sastra Tradition Dance by the Indonesian Literature Department Student Association. As the highlight of the event PAGELARAN WAYANG 4 Puppeteers of Indonesian Literature Students with the play "PENDADARAN SISWA SAKALIMA" and presented guest stars PUNAKAWAN Indonesian Literature Lecturers.
