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The Platinum skills Indonesia institute is looking for 2019 national outstanding student ambassadors to become Brand Ambassadors for Indonesian youth who carry the name of the Institute and also the University of origin for the student ambassador. The selected ambassadors will carry out youth activities at home or abroad, have the opportunity to participate Global Youth Model United Nations in Malaysia or Thailand in June 2020, and became a commercial star for educational and youth products.

This competition has a very long selection of administrative files for academic and non-academic achievements, Video Challenge, to Telephone Interview. This competition was attended by 3,976 registrants from SD, SMP, SMA, and students. Of the many participants who carried out a strict selection stage, 70 participants were taken Grand Finalist who meet the criteria as ambassadors for Students / Students with National Interpretation.

The Grand Final for the selection of Student Achievement ambassadors was held at the Core Bonnet hotel, Surabaya on 9-10 August 2019. The assessment of the grand final was conducted during the quarantine of the grand finalists through 3 stages of judging: Presentation of charity events (Charity / Fund Raising), talent performance , and interviews.

The purpose of the 2019 National Interpretation of Student Ambassadors Election activities, namely Creating a generation of nations who have a positive youth spirit, Creating a forum for the gathering of great youths from all regions of Indonesia, Organizing soft skills training for the future of the Indonesian nation. Then, the results obtained by holding this activity are as follows: Student ambassadors become Role Models for Indonesian youth, student ambassadors represent Indonesia in international competitions such as MUN Malaysia or Thailand 2020, student ambassadors become speakers on youth and education at seminars, Ambassador students become commercials for educational products or brands.

The result of this activity was a student from Prasetya Mulya University Jakarta, who was chosen to be the first winner, on behalf of Hyacynthia Kesuma. The first Runner Up winner was Adurrahman Alfatih from the University of Indonesia. The winner of Runner Up 2 was Harris Hendrik from Gadjah Mada University. Then, the 3rd Runner Up winner was won by Solahuddin Al-ayubi from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The Runner Up 4 winner was William Jr. Boom Alwer from Udayana University. Meanwhile, the winner of Runner Up 5 was Imroatul Karimah from State University of Malang.
