(0341)567475 literature@um.ac.id

Last Wednesday, November 13 2019, one of the Malang State University (UM) students, Salma Al Mardhiyyah, participated in the competition International Essay Contest for SEA-Teacher Alumni 2019 organized by the Lampung State University. A tight competition followed by program alumni SEA-Teacher Project previously selected to the top ten, after which the ten finalists presented their essays at Unila. As for the program SEA-Teacher Project, which stands for Southeast Asian Student Teacher Exchange is an exchange program for prospective teachers throughout Southeast Asia, organized by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) every year. There are 107 universities from Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia who also sent delegations to practice teaching within one month.


Competition International Essay Contest for SEA-Teacher Alumni 2019 which was held by Unila was an activity follow-up The annual program is also under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Culture and SEAMEO, as well as the local government, where alumni from all generations write scientific essays on themes related to the importance of literature for education and a better future for ASEAN. The ten international essay finalists came from various universities from Indonesia and the Philippines: Sriwijaya University, Lambung Mangkurat University, Makassar State University, Tidar University, Lampung State University, Pangasinan State University, Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology and State University of Malang. On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, Salma gave her essay presentation entitled Integrating Methods and Media in Teaching through Diversity. Salma did not expect when his name was called Champion 2 International Essay Contest. Her desire to share her experience during a month of teaching in Chiang Rai, North Thailand in August was the reason for this seventh semester student who really loves education to join. International Essay Contest for SEA-Teacher Alumni 2019.


Salma admits that the experience of dealing with students with cultural, traditional, religious, and racial backgrounds is something she will not forget. The differences that exist are not an insurmountable obstacle, in fact, according to Salma, can be a source of learning for students and teachers. Salma has to face the existing challenges, namely language differences, in order to deliver learning materials to her students at Chiang Rai Municipality School 2. During her full month of teaching, Salma was given 12 classes consisting of 230 elementary and kindergarten students. Initially, all SEA Teacher Project participants were required to use English as a bridge to students in the destination country, however, in fact, most students in Thailand do not understand English, both in written and spoken form.


Through her 10-minute presentation, Salma explained the importance of sorting out the right teaching methods and media, tailored to the abilities, characteristics, and interests of students. Salma made use of hand puppets and flashcards which he made himself. The activeness of these young students is also a factor for Salma in choosing teaching methods Total Physical Response (TPR), namely learning by using physical activities such as dancing. In fact, the students became very enthusiastic in answering questions on flashcards until they run to the front of the class for the teacher to see them. Salma added that bringing the world to become the subject of children's exploration in learning is equally important, to add insight into the countries of the world and increase tolerance among people. If you want to read more about the bittersweet story that Salma went through while traveling to the White Elephant Country, just open the blog she has written at: http://storiesofsalma.wordpress.com

Salma Al Mardhiyyah (English Education 2016)
