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Entrepreneurship Seminar and Workshop

Saturday, March 23, 2019, there was an entrepreneurial seminar and workshop organized by HMJ German Literature attended by 45 participants, most of whom were German literature students. The event which took place in the Faculty of Letters Hall consisted of 2 sessions, the first was a seminar session, which was filled by Nurush Shofwatiz Zahro, S.Pd ,. He is an alumni of UM German Literature who is the founder of 'Hoffnung und Mut'. Hoffnung und Mut is a private institution that facilitates students and the general public who wish to study in Germany, besides that this institution also opens German language courses. In this session the participants were given the opportunity to ask the speakers regarding entrepreneurship and the institutions they manage.

The next session was a Workshop, which was guided by Mr. Andreas Syah Pahlevi, the coordinator of PMW UM. Before starting the Workshop Mr. Andreas shared his knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship as well as some tips for starting a business. In a workshop event, of course, there are outputs produced by the participants. In this entrepreneurship workshop the participants made 'business plan ' as has been exemplified by Pak Andreas before. In the question and answer session the participants enthusiastically asked and consulted 'business plan ' they made.

Exactly 12.25 the event of the Entrepreneurship Seminar and Workshop ended. The committee from HMJ German Literature UM hopes that the participants can take lessons and benefit from this event. Apart from that, the participants also hoped that in the future there would be more events that would benefit and develop students' skills, especially German Literature.

HMJ German Literature 2019
