by FSADMIN | Sep 18, 2019 | Student Achievements
Asia Youth International Model United Nation (AYIMUN) is one of the simulations of the United Nations (UN) conference where participants compete with each other to become the best delegates. In this conference, participants discussed issues and hot events that occurred in the world. In the discussion, each participant will represent a country with different topics for each participant. In 2017 AYIMUN was held in Malaysia which was attended by 620 participants from 45 countries. Meanwhile, the next, followed by 1066 participants from 70 countries, which was held in Bangkok-Thailand. This activity was attended by participants from the age of 17-25 years (student, post graduate student, non-governmental Organization / Media person /practitioner).
AYIMUN teaches participants about international relations diplomacy, research, public speaking, debate, and writing skills in critical thinking, collaboration and leadership skills. Participants in this conference are required to conduct research before the conference which will then be discussed and debated with other delegates. AYIMUN is important to enhance international experience by bringing up issues in the 21st century so as to increase the knowledge of the delegates about the UN, train critical thinking about global issues and train participants to solve international problems and hone diplomacy skills.
I got a lot of experience by participating in AYIMUN which was held on 25-28 August 2019 in Putrajaya, Malaysia. This event has the theme "Human Security Agenda in The Globalized World". I am a delegation from Croatia on council United Nation Environment Program discuss about "Combating the use of single-use plastics and reducing the size of 'seventh (plastic) continent". There we discussed what includes single-use plastics, the materials they are made of, the impact on the environment, and how to prevent them. Apart from discussing about the topics at each council, we are required to make working project and draft resolution as the final result of discussion during meeting session.
Name: Elwin Walimatul Fara
NIM: 160231603284
Study Program: S1 Arabic Language Education
Major: Arabic Literature
by FSADMIN | Sep 3, 2019 | Student Achievements
SEA Teacher Project or Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia is a program initiated by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education (SEAMEO) involving countries in Southeast Asia. Eleven SEAMEO member countries are collaborating in this project to improve the quality of education in Southeast Asia and revitalize teacher education, as well as to continue to build and improve the quality of teachers in the regions of their home countries. The SEA Teacher Project Batch 8 program takes place from August to the end of September 2019 with an MoU that has been signed by approximately 107 university representatives from within and outside the country, 49 of which are Indonesian universities, 43 universities from the Philippines, one university from Malaysia, 12 a university from Thailand, and two universities from Vietnam.
As for the university which is the organizer or the host for my group, which consists of 19 students from Indonesia and the Philippines is Chiang Rai Rajabhat University or abbreviated as CRRU. We were warmly welcomed on the first day, and given further explanation of the activities for four weeks in this province located in Northern Thailand. In the first week, we went through an orientation session, a session where we got to know each other with our delegates and were distributed to our respective schools which were far from each other. We were also given an introduction to the target school and an observation period of three days. The second week continued with the preparation lesson plan which later will be used for the next week. Teaching week This was the hardest time we had during this project - where we were required to teach students who we were unable to communicate in the language they knew. I have used various methods and media for the smooth running of teaching and learning activities with the students, including nursery rhymes, video, hand puppet, flashcards, and a series games which really attracted their hearts. The last week is a week of reflection, where the teacher mentors and supervisor Each school meets with the relevant university to discuss the results of the participant's performance evaluation SEA Teacher Project while at the school.
Without being noticed, four weeks passed so quickly for me. It feels as if just yesterday I arrived at school, greeting students in the morning with a give hi to students, participate in lunch with the teacher at school, and watch kindergarten students take a nap. The experiences that I have gained while participating in this program will never be forgotten. Inviting students to follow my body movements, imitating Thai which is the translation of what I want to say to students, really made an impression on my heart. I still remember when the students hugged me tightly on my last day teaching - saying, "Don't go, Teacher Miaowmiaow (my Thai name is there)! ” I remember the enthusiasm they gave them when I tried to explain the lessons at the time to them, when I discussed with the mentor teacher about the media I wanted to apply in class to break down barriers at that time- language barrier. So much knowledge and moral values that I got while in Chiang Rai. One month really goes by quickly - it seems, not enough for me to be able to give much to my students in Chiang Rai - however, I have given my best. I know that they will not forget me, nor will I ever forget them.
There were also several moments that I thought deserved appreciation - when Sarah, my friend from the Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, and I, performed a traditional dance accompanied by the song "Tokecang" in front of hundreds of Chiang Rai Municipality School 2 students. our dances, some even participate in waving our hands, mimicking our movements. We also performed the Maumere dance as the last performance on Closing Ceremony at Chiang Rai Rajabhat University together as an appearance from Indonesia - we received boisterous applause from CRRU students as well as lecturers and staff of this program committee. The four weeks that we spent together kept our friendship close, until the time of separation arrived and tears rolled around every corner. This program was closed with presentations from each delegation sent to schools across Chiang Rai, which could be in the form of videos or PPt slides. Finally, we took a group photo and were given T-shirts by the President of International Relations of the CRRU and a certificate for our participation in this truly impressive program.
Salma Al Mardhiyyah (2016 English Education Study Program)
2 Letter of Assignment
Scan Sep. 2 2019
Miss Salma Al Mardhiyyah (1)
by FSADMIN | Sep 3, 2019 | Student Achievements
The Platinum skills Indonesia institute is looking for 2019 national outstanding student ambassadors to become Brand Ambassadors for Indonesian youth who carry the name of the Institute and also the University of origin for the student ambassador. The selected ambassadors will carry out youth activities at home or abroad, have the opportunity to participate Global Youth Model United Nations in Malaysia or Thailand in June 2020, and became a commercial star for educational and youth products.
This competition has a very long selection of administrative files for academic and non-academic achievements, Video Challenge, to Telephone Interview. This competition was attended by 3,976 registrants from SD, SMP, SMA, and students. Of the many participants who carried out a strict selection stage, 70 participants were taken Grand Finalist who meet the criteria as ambassadors for Students / Students with National Interpretation.
The Grand Final for the selection of Student Achievement ambassadors was held at the Core Bonnet hotel, Surabaya on 9-10 August 2019. The assessment of the grand final was conducted during the quarantine of the grand finalists through 3 stages of judging: Presentation of charity events (Charity / Fund Raising), talent performance , and interviews.
The purpose of the 2019 National Interpretation of Student Ambassadors Election activities, namely Creating a generation of nations who have a positive youth spirit, Creating a forum for the gathering of great youths from all regions of Indonesia, Organizing soft skills training for the future of the Indonesian nation. Then, the results obtained by holding this activity are as follows: Student ambassadors become Role Models for Indonesian youth, student ambassadors represent Indonesia in international competitions such as MUN Malaysia or Thailand 2020, student ambassadors become speakers on youth and education at seminars, Ambassador students become commercials for educational products or brands.
The result of this activity was a student from Prasetya Mulya University Jakarta, who was chosen to be the first winner, on behalf of Hyacynthia Kesuma. The first Runner Up winner was Adurrahman Alfatih from the University of Indonesia. The winner of Runner Up 2 was Harris Hendrik from Gadjah Mada University. Then, the 3rd Runner Up winner was won by Solahuddin Al-ayubi from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The Runner Up 4 winner was William Jr. Boom Alwer from Udayana University. Meanwhile, the winner of Runner Up 5 was Imroatul Karimah from State University of Malang.

by FSADMIN | Aug 31, 2019 | Student Achievements
Students of the UM Faculty of Letters again made proud achievements, winning Gold in the Poster category and Bronze in the PKM-K (PKM-Entrepreneurship) Presentation category at the XXXII National Student Scientific Week at Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran Bali.
- Team: Visualization of "SIGUMUL" Simpang Lima Gumul as a Cartoon Character in Merchendise Innovation to Increase the Potential of Culture and Tourism in Kediri
Chairman: Leny Suryani (NIM 150251602334 Department of Art and Design)
Members: 1. Dwi Yudi Novitasari (NIM 150251602148 Department of Art and Design)
- Rahmi Rabbani (NIM 150253607905 Department of Art and Design)
- Elvira Ika Prastia (NIM 160422608250 Accounting Department)
- Team: LALA AND LILO: Storybook Reads as an Innovative English Learning Method for Preschool Children
Chairman: Alif Hanifatur Rosyidah (NIM 170221607060 Department of English Literature)
Members: 1. Hafizah Islami Rahmadina (NIM 170413618291 Department of Management)
- Indra Nurdien Hakim (NIM 170534629034 Department of Electrical Engineering)
- Nilna Almunaa Brilliarahma Hermanto (NIM 180253611508 Department of Art and Design)
- Rifki Fajar Fitrianto (NIM 180535632570 Electrical Engineering Department)
by FSADMIN | Aug 20, 2019 | News, Student Achievements

The abilities and achievements of the Malang State University (UM) academicians again deserve to be appreciated in the international arena. This time, the UM TEAM from the Faculty of Letters, Department of Art and Design of UM became one of the five teams that successfully passed the TDDC-2019 Taiwan Digital Design Camp Chapter II. This team consisted of two students namely Muhammad Idris Setiawan and Maghfirah Aginda Putri, as well as Andreas Syah Pahlevi, S.Sn., M.Sn. as a guide.
TDDC-2019 took place in Taiwan from July 13 to August 23, 2019. This activity aims to develop participants' knowledge and skills with the concept of teamwork and sharing with practitioners, educators and students from Taiwan. The activity was held by TEEP @ ASIAPLUS Ministry of Education Taiwan in collaboration with Da-Yeh University as the host.
In this design camp there are two categories, namely the Animation Design and Mobile Video Advertising categories. To qualify for TDDC-2019, UM Teams who are participants in the Mobile Video Advertising category have competed in the selection process with around 50 teams from other universities and vocational high schools. From the selection process, five best teams were selected to represent Indonesia, two teams for the Animation Design category and three teams for Mobile Video Advertising.
During TDDC-2019, participants are given the opportunity to learn and deepen the skills fostered by professors and industry practitioners. The participants also had the big task of preparing for an international competition, Oscar Award 2020. Apart from competency and skills, they also learned about cross culture with local Taiwanese students.
At the end of the activity, all participants collaborated were challenged to create an international exhibition which was held for 2 days. Muhammad Idris Setiawan said that there were many benefits that were obtained from TDDC-2019. "From this activity, relationships can be built with campuses in Taiwan to establish cooperation in various matters, such as study scholarships, international seminars and exhibitions," he said. Through this activity, on the other hand, the UM Team is also preparing and finalizing the startup initiated with experts in Taiwan to participate in a national business competition which will be held at the end of 2019 in Indonesia.
by FSADMIN | Aug 16, 2019 | Student Achievements
The 2019 International Youth Javanese Culture Camp (IYJCC) was held on 31 July-4 August 2019 in Senden Village, Boyolali. This activity is one of the programs that accommodate the ideas of youth and try to provide inspiration through a social approach by introducing Javanese culture as an identity for the Nation. Through this program, delegates from each country will have the opportunity to join in a series of events involving teaching, cultural training, performance and participating in cultural ritual events in the area. This activity was attended by 35 participants from 6 countries, including Indonesia, India, China, Vietnam, Laos, Brunei Darussalam. IYJCC is organized by Sudec International and collaborates with the Directory of Research and Community Engineering University of Indonesia and Sanggar Budi Rahayu.
The teaching curriculum provided includes teaching Javanese culture, including understanding the language and traditions with the local community. At IYJCC activities, participants, teaching lecturers, and local residents took an active role in this activity. Activities carried out include Javanese language training, training for traditional gamelan instruments and Jathilan dance, tobacco stump ceremony between Mount Merapi and Merbabu, ritual celebrations at the Gunung Sari tomb, inauguration nights, jazz festivals, conducting social projects with local residents, leadership development. , and promoting Indonesian culture and local wisdom on an international scale.
The selected delegation participated in a series of activities including the introduction of Javanese culture, learning Javanese, a gathering night to represent each culture from the country of origin of each participant, and participating in various series of festivals. In this activity, the delegation had the opportunity to introduce Indonesian culture to other participants from various countries and also joined in the staging of the tobacco stump festival by performing Indonesian songs accompanied by gamelan as a thank you to the residents of Senden Village for the warm welcome given.
Afifah Ainiyah (170221607034)