Standard Operating Procedures

Pedoman Pelaksanaan (Do)

Standar Dikti
Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang

POB Academic Implementation

1. New Course Presentation
2. Determination of Subject Teachers
3. Establishment of KKM / KBK
4. Team Teaching
5. Preparation of Semester Class Plans (RPS)
6. Development of Semester Class Plans (RPS)
7. Preparation for Lecture Implementation
8. Learning process
9. Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran (revisi 31-10-2022)  [English Version]
10. Implementation of Replacement Lectures
11. Implementation of Field Work Lectures (KKL)
12. Implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL)
13. Implementation of Field Practice Studies (KPL)
14. Incidental Use of Laboratory Space
15. Curriculum Evaluation
16. Pengajuan Proposal Tugas Akhir, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi (revisi 22-09-2021)
17. PembimbinganTugas Akhir, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi (revisi 22-09-2021)
18. Course Examination
19. Organizing Guest Lectures
20. Compilation of the Department Catalog
21. Preparation of Accreditation Forms
22. Academic Advice
23. Compilation of Teaching Materials
24. Klarifikasi Nilai (Revisi 29-05-2020)
25. Ujian Tugas Akhir, Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi (revisi 22-09-2021)

POB Academic Services

1. Compilation and Study of Legislative Regulations in the Academic Field
2. Collecting and Classifying Curriculum Data
3. Preparation of Class Schedule and Practicum
4. Course Registration (Academic Registration)
5. Lecture, Practicum, Examination, and Judicium Services
6. Research / Observation / Field Work Practice Permit Services / Field Work Lectures
7. Student Judiciary Service
8. Final Semester Examination Processing and List of Final Grades
9. Transfer of Students between Departments
10. Short Semester Implementation
11. Student Graduation Tracking
12. Lecture Rescheduling
13. Library Book Loan Processing
14. Lecture Attendance List Service
15. Application for College Leave
16. Admission of Transfer Students from Other Universities
17. Admission of Transfer Students from Within UM
18. Scientific Activity Licensing

POB General Services & State Property

1. Preparation of Annual Work Plans and Programs for General Subsection and State Property
2. Compilation of Study Manuscripts of Legislative Regulations in the Field of Administration, Homemaking and Equipment
3. Collection, Processing and Analysis of Administration, Household and Equipment Data
4. Receipt of Incoming Mail
5. Mail Out
6. Archives Service
7. Filing of Archives
8. Maintenance of Cleanliness and Beauty in the Faculty Environment
9. Security in the Faculty Environment
10. Implementation of Protocol Affairs and Reception of Leaders
11. Preparation of facilities for official meetings, official ceremonies, scientific meetings and cooperation
12. Preparation of the Proposed Request for the Procurement of Goods and Services for Routine Equipment for the Faculty
13. Receiving, Storage, Recording and Distribution of Inventory Items
14. Consumables / stationery items at the Faculty
15. Maintenance of Faculty's Buildings / Buildings and Parks
16. Maintenance / Repair of Equipment / Equipment Inventory belonging to the Faculty
17. Procurement of goods / services
18. Inventory Removal
19. Arrangement of Monitoring Instruments for Administrative Activities, Household and Equipment
20. Storage of Documents and Letters for Administration, Homemaking and Equipment
21. Preparation of Sub-Section General and State Property Subdivision Reports
22. BMN faculty listening processing
23. Faculty Inventory Check Processing
24. Space / Place Borrowing Processing
25. Equipment Borrowing Processing

POB Financial Services and Human Resources

1. Preparation of Indicative Integrated Budget Allocation
2. Preparation of a Business Plan and Budget (RBA) and TOR of Activities
3. Preparation of Department and Faculty Fund Allocation
4. Submission of Money Supply (UP)
5. Disbursement of UP / GUP / TUP
6. Submission and Disbursement of LS Honorarium Funds, Official Travel, Transport Fees
7. Submission and Disbursement of Fund for LS Procurement (BLU)
8. Submission and Disbursement of Student Organization Funds
9. Accountability Fund UP / GUP / TUP
10. Honorarium Liability
11. Accountability for Consumables / Capital Spending
12. Accountability for Official Travel
13. Short Semester Fund Management
14. APBN Cooperation Fund Management
15. Tax Management
16. Financial Accounting
17. Preparation of Fund Realization Reports for Departments and Faculties
18. Submission of Definitive Revised Budget Allocation
19. Routine SPJ Verification (UP / GUP / TUP)
20. Preparation of Employee List
21. Processing of Formation Concept / Employee Needs Plan
22. Processing of Proposal for Promotion of Administrative Staff
23. Processing of Lecturer Promotion Proposals (Ke LK-GB)
24. Processing of Lecturer Promotion Proposals (To AA-L)
25. Processing of Employee Leave Submissions
26. DP3 processing
27. Proposing Employee Card
28. Proposing Wife Card / Husband Card
29. Askes Card Issuance Proposal
30. Proposing the Issuance of Taspen Cards
31. Processing of Outstanding Employee Selection
32. Employee Statistics Processing
33. Filing Documents And Letters At Bid. Finance & Employment
34. List processing of lecturers who are / have finished learning assignments
35. Preparation of Official Data
36. Proposing Extraordinary Lecturers
37. Proposal for Awarding the Award
38. PNS Attendance List Processing
39. Proposing the Need for Non-Permanent Employees
40. Processing of Inauguration of Officials at the Faculty Level
41. Lecturer Involvement in Professional Organizations

POB Student and Alumni Services

1. Preparation of Annual Plans and Programs
2. Processing of Lecture Active Certificate
3. Selection of Outstanding Students
4. Processing of Scholarship Recipients
5. Implementation of Talent and Interests Activities Administration
6. Implementation of Reasoning Activity Administration
7. Administration of Ormawa Activity Fund Requests
8. Implementation of Student Organization Activities Administration
9. Implementation of Ormawa Management Replacement Activities
10. Presentation of Information in the Field of Student and Alumni Affairs
11. Archiving Student Documents
12. Implementation of Legalization of Diplomas, Value Transcripts, and Deeds
13. Preparation of Subdivision Report on Student and Alumni Affairs
14. New Student Feedback Networking
15. Selection of Feedback of Students Who Will Pass
16. Alumni Feedback Networking
